Ch. 2

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Utahime's first 18 years of her life wasn't bad in fact she had a decent childhood, family, friends, grades, school and everything. She is even well-loved by everyone because of her bright and mature personality that teachers, elders and the staffs love.

Not perfect but it was decent.

She has a reputation of being a prim and perfect since her family are full of classy and intellectual people and they expect so much from her. Especially when she's the only girl in her family.

She doesn't mind because that is how she learn on how to obtain goals on her life. How being disciplined helped her face obstacles and keep her going further.

She works hard on every subject and extra circular activities in order for her to receive great outcomes  from her hard work.

She would receive medals, awards, certificates, and so on of her achievements.

She would always get praises from teachers, coaches, family and even from her best friend Shoko and they always encourage her to keep on going until she succeed. Because they all knew she has a bright future going on. They know she knows what she is doing.

Still sounded like a great life she has huh?

Well she couldn't agree.

Because he came along.

At the age of 7, she decided to treat herself some great dessert from a good pastry shop down the street from her house. After finishing up of her big chores and completed her community project for one of her class, she took her small backpack that obtains her money and book from her room then headed to a pastry shop. She walks in and have her eyes roams around the glass counter and noticed delicious sweet rice balls that is wrapped with a pickled cherry blossom. There are only two left.

She asked the cashier to obtain the last two delicious Sakura Mochi desserts. He did and she exchanged with her money and headed out with the small bag in her hand.

She decided to go to the park and sit on a bench and read while eating her mochis. She found an empty bench with a calm park and take her seat there. She grabbed a book from her backpack and placed both her backpack and her small plastic bag next to her. She could tell reading while eating Mochi sounds like a best way to enjoy her sunny day.

She open her book and began reading the chapter she left off as she's enjoying the breeze flowing to her face as well the peaceful sound in the park. It makes reading more enjoyable. Including her mind to be more relaxed.

As she was reading, she heard some footsteps coming up to her. She can feel someone staring at her.

She looked up from her book and sees a boy, about her age, with snow white color hair with the same color on his eyelashes. He is wearing white hoodie shirt with both his hands on the one hoodie pocket. He is wearing black shorts with sneakers. His eyes are glamorous since they are full of glaciers textures spread across his orbs so beautifully.

"Yes?" Little Utahime asked with a raised eyebrow.

The white snow haired boy took out one of his hand and pointed at her face, having her eyes turned into confusion.

"Your face. What the heck is that spread across your face? Is that a scar?" He asked bluntly not knowing how his words sounded rude.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "No it's not. That's my birthmark."

"Ohh. That's a weird birthmark you have." He said with a chuckled.

Utahime found his words and behavior to be complete disrespectful. And he just met her! What kind of a stranger tells another stranger in such in unnecessary manner. She gave him a growl look.

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