"So one week and you missed me, huh?" he teased her, looking over at Andrea. Her messy brown curls were tied up into a messy bun and the t-shirt she had tucked into her black shorts was one of James' old ones, sporting the logo of the Ballycastle Bats, their favourite Quidditch team.

"Hilarious. I just didn't want to stay at home alone," she replied. She looked over to James and couldn't help but laugh. In his making of the pancake batter, he had gotten flour on his hand and run his hand through his hair and over his left eyebrow, leaving a white trail.

"What?" he asked in confusion, pouring the batter onto the pan. She stepped forwards and grabbed the kitchen towel off the counter, stepping into his side by the cooker.

She reached up and ruffled his hair, letting the white powder dust out of his hair, and then wiping the flour off his face. James sucked in a breath as Andrea's fingers went through his hair. Andrea froze, the towel still against James' temple.

Both frozen, they stared at each other for another few seconds, no one ready to stop the contact first. A knock on the door had them both jumping away from each other quickly.

Flustered, James turned back to the pancakes. "You mind getting that?" he said, his voice coming out hoarse and strained. Silently Andrea nodded and headed out into the entryway trying to shake her thoughts clear.

Another hurried knock came at the door. "I'm comin'!" Andrea yelled out annoyed, hearing James chuckle from the kitchen. She opened the door and smiled widely when she saw Peter standing there.

He pulled his lollipop out of his mouth with a smack and smiled at her. "Andrea! What are you doing here?" he asked. Andrea opened the door widely and let Peter in. "Makin' breakfast. You?"

Peter sighed. "My sister showed up back home and dad started yelling so I didn't want to be there right now. Is that pancakes I smell?" he said eagerly, rushing to the kitchen. "Tell Peter there's more than enough!" James yelled out just as the other two reached the archway into the kitchen.

"Good. I'm starving," Peter grinned. The three sat down at the breakfast table in the sitting/dining room, passing around the food. 

Thankfully, Peter stuck around for the rest of the afternoon, making the awkwardness of this morning's event between Andrea and James disappear quickly.

"So Animagus, what are we going to do about it?" Andrea asked as they settled down in the family room. Peter looked nervous at the mention of their plans. "Are we still sure that this is a good idea? I mean, werewolves don't attack animals but what if he can tell we're not actual animals?"

James huffed in annoyance over Peter's doubt. "We've been over this. Minnie told us in Defence in third year that Animagus' in animal form will seem as animals to any and every living thing except other Animagi. There's no danger."

"But what if we -" James held up a dismissive hand. "We're going to be doing this whether you're in or not. So what are you saying? In or out?" James questioned him. Andrea looked to Peter in comfort.

"We'll all be together through it all, helping and guiding each other. Scary things often aren't that intimidating when you're doing them with friends," she offered with a smile.

Ever since they had involved her on this plan, Peter had been the one most nervous about it. James and Sirius were too reckless to consider consequences, and Andrea was almost as bad as James. But she thought James was being a bit short with their friend.

Peter swallowed audibly. "I - I'm in... Yeah, yes. I'm in."

"Okay then," James said cheerfully, the seriousness disaperating from his features. "I'll get the book."

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