She was so small, Ashley felt like she couldn't move because the baby might break. Billy stayed by Ashley and just smiled like a big teddy bear the whole time. He was a very proud daddy at the moment.

"She is so quiet, we actually have slept really well lately, surprisingly." Jasmine was asleep in their room, she quickly passed out after saying a hello to Ashley and Troy, complaining that she was bleeding and wearing a diaper and needed to sleep.

Billy watched his little girl as Ashley rocked her smiling. "She's so cute, Billy."

"Thanks for letting us over, I know it's really early and she's just a few days old and all."

"Totally fine, I want everyone to meet her soon. You guys are family at this point." Ashley looked up and her smile was so wide, the boys could have both sworn that she was suddenly the sun lighting up the earth. She wanted to cry at the fact that Billy Calle her family, because the only family she ever had was her grandparents who were now in nursing homes, and Danny.

"Ashley, you look like Billy just made your entire year."

Because he did/because I did. Ashley and Billy both thought the same thing, smiling at each other before Ashley looked down back at the baby, holding back happy tears. That small sentence made her feel like the earth spun in a million circles.

Ashley had only known Billy for a month or two now, but they talked daily and he helped her with a lot of coping with the John situation. He was like family to Ashley as well and it made her heart swell.

She was incredibly glad she got a job where she did, meeting people who truly cared for her being.

"Hand over the baby, I get my turn too ya know." Troy pouted as Ashley hugged the baby tighter, shaking her head making Billy laugh. "Pleeeease!" He begged Ashley scooting closer to her Side on the floor and stretching his arms out.

"Fine." Gently passing baby Lavender on, Billy got up from the couch and rubbed Ashleys shoulder before leaving for the kitchen for the coffee he made. When Billy said they were sleeping well, he meant his wife. Billy on the other hand stayed up worrying if Lavender would need him or not.

"Oh my god, she's gonna give me baby fever!"


"I mean, how could you not want a little one of these in your arms everyday. I mean sure, some of it is really gross, but look at Lavender, she's perfect."

"Yeah, I guess. I've never really wanted kids."

"Really?" He looked over at her like it was something so strange, he thought for sure Ashley would have wanted kids at some point.

"Yeah, I was more of the let me be a nice aunt who spoils the kid."

"There will be no spoiling of this child." Billy walked back in with a cup of hot coffee and a cup of iced coffee for Ashley.

"Billy, you are going to spoil this child one hundred percent of the time." Troy looked up and raised an eyebrow, Billy just smiled and nodded, he looked so tired.

"If you want, you can take a nap Billy, even out here, she's so quiet right now and you have two more people here." The big tattooed man just shrugged and smiled.

"I don't want to burden you guys, it's not that big of a deal."

"You looked like you haven't slept, I mean you might be running on coffee now fully. Jasmine is asleep for a good reason, but you should rest too if you're comfortable."

"You guys really don't mind?" The tattooed teddy bear seemed more shocked than down turning, really considering the option at this point in life. He did trust both of the younger adults in his house and with Lavender already.

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