14. Everyone Has Secrets

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I stood up.

Warren's playful aura had evaporated into thin air as he shot Veronica a sneer, his tone venom laced: "That was really low, even for you. Make no mistake, Veronica. Next time really won't be this calm."

"Oh, please. Lila is pathetic–"

"Not any more than you if that's the case." Nora skittered away nervously - her words quietly cutting–before shooting a look of trepidation and hurt towards Veronica who dismissed it. "It had nothing to do with her." Then the five foot blonde turned away and Michael followed her but not before knocking into Veronica's shoulder in a pure show of hostility.

"Ugh, what is it with you all? Mellisa wasn't that special. We all know–"

Rebecca tugged on Veronica's arm, urging her to leave. "Let's go, Ver. Please." She cut off her best friend and I took a minute to look the short-haired blonde over. Her jaw was clenched and her brown eyes a shade darker.. I hadn't thought Rebecca to be someone who'd silently support bullying.

For some reason, I really hadn't.

But I guess some reputations can be contradictory to personalities and maintaining them is draining. I should know. Maybe she was in the same boat.

"Fine, let's go." Veronica snapped at her friend who let out a breath and without another glance, they rushed out too.

Then it was just me and Warren. The chestnut haired guy had his eyes closed and breathing heavy, his fists clenched and un-clenched. I quietly observed, wondering how I hadn't said one word since this debacle started.

Man, this is new. 

"You alright, War?" My words made his snap his eyes open. It looked like he had forgotten I was here.

Jeez, thanks for forgetting me. I feel so loved.

Warren cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable before he gave me a nod and ran a hand through his hair. "Sorry. Just..."

"Who's Mellisa? And what happened?" I fired my questions right off the bat. No use beating around the bush.

Warren looked really off-kilter by my questions and refused to look me in the eyes. "Look, it's not...my story to tell. Just, um."

I was pretty sure the whole town knew this story. That's how small towns like Ladenhill worked. Secrets were hard to keep but that didn't mean they were non-existent either. 

I guess I could understand where he was coming from. He didn't want to speak of it and also felt like evading my questions came with the bonus of pushing me back for now. 

He wanted me to approach Lila directly and knowing her, she'd be as hard as an un-crackable nut to crack.

Yup. You got that right.

I exhaled slowly. "I see." 

Warren, in the meantime, seemed to have gathered his bearings. "Well, you wanna head to class?"

I shook my head as we both walked out of the cafeteria. "Not if Lila won't be there." I glanced at him. "Will she cut class?"

He shrugged, "She's probably already walking around. Definitely going to skip class. She's not a saint. Just....average."

Even now, hearing the word average associated with Lila Adele Smith made me do a double take internally. She was anything but.

I skipped the chase, "I'll see you tomorrow then. I'm gonna catch her."

Warren stopped walking and gave me an assessing look that ended with his eyes on mine. I didn't back down. Finally seemingly satisfied, he nodded.

"She won't be in the best mood but you're free to try."

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