"No, of course you can. Lucky you're not up against me, then it could've been hard" Dora said nonchalantly.

"Sure" he playfully rolled his eyes.

"But.... how have you been ever since.....?" He trailed off.

"Doing fine. Can't really dwell on it. Won't bring him back" Dora looked down at her lap.

"You know I'm here for you? You can talk to me"

"I do"

The two talked about the Quidditch World Cup, Tri-wizard tournament, Dora disarming Moody and about Draco the ferret.

"Not funny Cedric" Dora waved her hand, as Cedric continued laughing muttering 'Ferret Boy' under his breath.

"It was" he chuckled.

"He was actually hurt" Dora sighed. She seemed to be doing that a lot these days.

"And Harry shouldn't have-"

"Did Miss say Harry Potter? Dobby knows Mr. Harry Potter" an elf said stopping in his tracks, "The great. Kind. Harry Potter" he breathed, as if talking about someone almighty.

"You know Harry how Dobby?" Cedric chuckled.

"Mr.Harry Potter freed Dobby from his previous masters. They treated Dobby bad" he whispered looking around.

"Wait..... you're.... The Malfoy's were your last owners weren't they?" Dora questioned.

"Yes Miss" Dobby nodded.

"They treated you badly? Narcissa treated you badly?" She pressed.

"Not the Miss. She said not a word to Dobby,  but masters kicked Dobby around"

Cedric was surprised to know that, so was Dora.

There was laughter, Dora was now laughing quite loudly, startling Cedric and Dobby.

"What happened to you?" Cedric questioned not understanding why she was laughing.

"Don't you see." Dora chuckled, "I'm in such a mess. I care about some people who's actions never fail to amaze me. They are so against my morals and ideologies and yet I can't help but think of them as family." She laughed, her eyes watering.

"I'll meet you tomorrow"

Dora rushed out of the kitchen and out of the castle.

It was dark outside.

The black lake was moving, small waves rising due to the intense air.

Was everything around me really this confusing?

Standing in front of black lake, Dora's mind went blank as she stared off into distance.

The cold wind helped her calm down a little.

How can grown ups do this? Do they not know how much it speaks about them by how they treat their inferiors?

There were a few morals and ideologies that were drilled inside Dora's brain by Lazarus. Not by making her mug them up, but by making her realise things.

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