"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Why not?"

Soobin shook his head, "Are you really they naive? If I leave with you and theres the slightest bit of suspicion then we will all get thrown into the slammer." Beomgyu pursed his lips together and didn't respond. "Look," Soobin continued, "If you know what's good for you then you and Kai will leave immediately and I'll meet you guys at your apartment, fair?"

Beomgyu nodded and Soobin began to make his way down the street. Beomgyu went back over to Kai and told him what had happened. It took a while for Kai to corporate. He thought that the interaction was too convenient to be true. Eventually Kai reluctantly agreed and they made their way back to the apartment. About two thirds of an hour went by before a knock on the door was heard.

Kai went to go open it but it took him a few seconds to recognize who it was due to Soobin hiding his face so no cameras would catch him. Once Kai did recognize him he threw his arms around Soobin and embraced him, "I was so worried about you!"

"Hey," Soobin quietly responded hugging him back, "Can you let me inside?"

Kai nodded and allowed Soobin in, closing the door behind them. Without any warning, Soobin placed a kiss on the younger boy's lips and Kai's heart fluttered with excitement before returning it. After a few seconds Soobin pulled away, "I'm sorry for worrying you."

"It's okay," Kai smiled, "I'm just happy you're not hurt."

"Oh I'm hurt," Soobin grabbed his right arm, "Taehyun shot me."

"What?" Kai's eyes widened.

"But that was hours ago so the pain and bleeding have died down,"

"Still Soobin it could get infected," the younger boy pouted as he began to rummage around for his medicine kit, "Come here so I can fix it."

Soobin did as he was told and while Kai started to clean the wound Beomgyu finally decided to speak up, "Where are Taehyun and Yeonjun?"

Soobin's expression darkened, "Taehyun killed Yeonjun." 

"Oh no," Kai gasped, "I thought they were close."

"All four of us were at one point but things change," Soobin chuckled, "Taehyun definitely changed for the worst. He's fucking psychotic."

Beomgyu rolled his eyes, "Where is he now?"

"Oh the police caught that bastard," Soobin smirked, "I hope he rots in that jail cell."

"Fuck you Soobin!" Beomgyu stormed out of the apartment and slammed the door behind him.

Kai looked at Soobin confused, "What just happened?"

"Beats me," Soobin shrugged.

Kai had finished cleaning up the wound and Soobin beckoned him to sit on his lap. Soobin caressed the side of Kai's face and Kai leaned into his touch. Soobin then used his other free hand to brush his thumb against Kai's lips causing the younger boy to quiver. "How are you so pretty?"

Kai just closed his eyes and hummed in response.

"Don't tell me you're tired already," Soobin furrowed his eyebrows.

Kai slowly opened his eyes, "Are you not?"

"I am but," Soobin slid his arms down and held a Kai by his waist, drawing circles with his thumbs, "I want to spend the rest of the night with you as much as I can."

"And why is that?" Kai grinned, expecting some cheesy answer.

"Because after tonight," Soobin sighed, avoiding eye contact, "I don't think we will ever see each other again."

It was silent and Soobin was prepared to be yelled at or slapped like previous exes have done but after not getting a reaction he looked back up at Kai who just sat there silently with tears forming in his eyes.

"You don't like me like you say you do," Kai finally responded.

"Of course I do."

"Then why?" Kai asked finally releasing his tears. 

Soobin was quick to wipe them away, "I don't think you understand the severity of the situation Kai. Our gang was infamous and the police have been trying to stop us for years. The only three members that were in that building were Taehyun, Yeonjun, and I. Well one is captured, one is dead, and the only one left is me."

"Do you think they are going to find you?"

"If I stay here yes," Soobin scowled. "I have to do what Beomgyu did. Go somewhere far away and start a new life. Pretend that this gang never existed."

Kai understood. He didn't like it but he knew he had to, "Where are you going to go?"

Soobin bit his lip, "I don't know yet. It actually will take me a while to figure out a plan, but I know the longer I stay with you then the more I'm going to want to stay here."

"Well there's an easy fix to that," Kai's eyes brightened and Soobin looked at him with , "I'm coming with you."



This is a bit on the shorter side but I'm still happy I was able to put something out there.

I hope you guys enjoyed it. Feel free to leave thoughts and comments down , you guys are my number one supporters.

And as always, thank you for reading (:

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