"Counterpoint: Wolf is a big doofus puppy." Wally replied.

Conner frowned. "Wolf is a Wolf. He is a predator." He pet the shark up its back.

"If it makes you feel better, Wally, the only time Blue Sharks could ever eat human meat is if they're trying to feed on bodies that are already very deceased." Kaldur assured.

"That doesn't make me feel better, man."

"He's so pretty!" M'gann stroked the shark gently.

Kaldur released the creature and re-submerged himself. He bobbed up again eagerly. "We have a few variations with us, but we have something coming that I know will impress you."

"What?" Artemis ordered.

"The shark meant to be in that film we watched."

"Jaws?" Robin asked.

"Yes! Jaws!"

Wally's eyes were like plates. "A great white shark?"

"A white shark. They will be harder to stroke, they need to keep moving in order to breathe."

"Nope. Nope. Hell no, I'm out!" the redhead threw his arms up, pacing the dock anxiously, but not actually leaving.

"Don't be a coward." Artemis scoffed.

"I'm not a coward, I'm smart. You know what's better than petting a great white? Living until old age!"

"Please! You work with the justice league, you won't live until old age!" Dick teased. "Where is he, Kal?"

Kaldur held out his hand and a fin breached over the water, brushing his fingers. "Here they are."

"Well, how do we pet them?" Artemis asked, squinting at the water, leaning over the end of the dock.

"M'gann, did you bring Wolf's food?" The martian nodded and passed him a ziplock with a few cuts of beef in it. Kaldur removed a piece and dropped it in the water about an arm's width away. "The tide has come in, without the currents they should smell this quickly."

They watched the spot intently for any sign of life. Kaldur shot back a little to make room, just as a dark shape cut in front of him. He ducked under the water to see what was happening.

"This is a bad idea. Don't fuck with sharks." Wally said.

Kaldur resurfaced, shaking out his head. "They found their food. They seemed to like it, but we're more familiar with aquatic meats, not land ones."

The waters were quiet for a minute.


Artemis and Dick shot back, off the edge, eyes shuddering. Huge jaws clamped around the third, slower, teen's leg Leg, yanking him into the water.

"CONNER!" M'gann shrieked.

They thrashed in the shallow water, the only noise being the splashing and Conner's shouting.

"Don't move! It irritates them!"

A nose surfaced, just over a huge upper jaw of fangs. Two beady eyes focussed as it hurried through the water at Conner.

"He's back!" Wally yelled.

"They just want to play, she thought it was fun when you were thrashing in their mouth."

"This is stupid." wally peaked through his fingers.

"Get my phone- GET MY PHONE!" Dick ordered. He opened the camera and started filming; he had to put flash on just to see the battle in the water.

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