Ch 7- A Date with Sasuke?!

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Sasuke spoke up, "I understand your reasoning, but there's no way I'm going to be part of a beauty pageant." Naruto laughed at him, which resulted in Sasuke giving him a death glare.

"Would you prefer her to pick a different escort then?" Gramps inquired.

"No." Sasuke instantly replied and then grumbled, "It's fine, I'll do it." I snorted at his jealousy, making him playfully narrow his eyes at me. This just made me softly giggle.

I took a glance at Sakura and I immediately thought, 'welp. There goes the idea of her finally being cool with me...' She did not look happy. I knew she wanted to burst out and say something, but couldn't since we were in the Hokage's office. I was glad she at least knew how to be respectful sometimes.

Gramps then took out a piece of paper, "oh, and here's the choreography for the slow dance you two will have to do. It's very easy, but you should start learning it right away."

My cheeks puffed up, as I was stifling my imminent laugh behind my palm. 'Oh, this is gonna be hilarious.'

Everyone else reacted the same way as me, even Sakura found the idea of Sasuke dancing funny.

Sasuke's face reddened and his eye twitched, "I have"

Gramps simply nodded and then started pulling something out from beneath his desk, "Natalia, this will be your kimono." My jaw dropped as stars replaced my eyes when I saw the short kimono with red hibiscus flowers he presented to us. Apparently this pageant wasn't as formal as I thought it'd be based on the fact that it wasn't a full length kimono, since those were formal. I assumed Sasuke wouldn't wear a men's kimono either.

It had shades of red, orange, and yellow, which was obviously to represent the Land of Fire. The skirt portion was black and pleated, the flared out sleeves were ruffled at the ends, and the gold decals on the kimono added an elegant touch.

"That is the most gorgeous kimono I've ever seen, oh my goodness!!" I ran up to it and took it from him. Once I took a closer look, I realized that the waist portion, which was red, had designs of clouds, reminding me of the Akatsuki. The idea of me wearing Akatsuki attire was actually kinda funny from how ironic it was.

I ignored it and held it up in front of me, seeing how it'd look on me and then turned to my team, "what do you guys think?"

I was assuming everyone liked it, as Sakura was staring at the dress in awe, Naruto was drooling(oh boy), my dad was nodding in approval, and Sasuke was just staring at me with his jaw slightly ajack.

He forgot to think before speaking, "I can't dance with you if you're wearing that."

I raised a brow at him and smirked, "and why not?"

He blinked out of his daze and then grumbled, "I swear I say the stupidest things when you're around."

Naruto giggled, "hehe it's called being in loooove." I sighed.

Sasuke's head snapped to him, "shut up, loser."

"Hey! I was just saying!"

"I don't care."

"Oh yea? Well--"

I body flickered in front of them and placed a hand on their shoulders, "okay! Enough, you two." They quickly shut up and calmed down.

Gramps was bewildered at my ability to control the rivals and asked my dad, "how did she do that?"

He shrugged, "I honestly don't know. She has some weird control over them."

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