Start from the beginning

"So we'll know what you're getting into."

"I am not gettin–"

"Stop that behavior! We have a guest!"

"Oh don't worry, I'm used to it," Donald meddled.

"Who asked you?!" I inquired, he only chuckled. How dare he? What exactly is 'use to'?

Instead, I ignored them, went for a cookie, and left to see Delroy. I'd rather avoid whatever was being said because today I feel particularly good and if averting the question of 'what next' will keep it so, then that I will do. And save such complicated thinkings for my meeting with the doctor today. But I highly doubt she will have things to feed my thoughts as her talks are still way last week and I don't take her seriously most times, but I won't deny that speaking with her does tidy my head.

Landre should fix my schedule for today so that after seeing the doctor I'd be done. I don't think I have much doing, the review that was dropped for me before, meeting the board managers, that would have been it but I sure know that something was meant to be there...

"Shit," I muttered.

"Mademoiselle, you haven't left? Bonjour!" Delroy greeted as I entered the kitchen.

"Yes," I responded and turned back.

How could I forget Nathan Filer?! I had just one job, to remember and be there on time, but I didn't. After all the recent spontaneous changes to my routine who wouldn't?! There goes my good mood. Damnit!

"Are you ready to go?" I bumped into Donald.


"What happened?" Donald raised an eyebrow.

"I'm late! I have this important meeting and I'm late!"

"Okay, let's go."

I quickly grabbed my phone from the table and left.

Everybody called me, Landre sent me like a million texts but I replied to none.

Donald stepped on the gas while I tried to get hold of Landre, he wasn't picking and neither was Stacy. I've tried countless times to no avail and it's frustrating. They've all been bothering my phone but now can't pick the damn call!

This time, I tried the receptionist and it went through. "Carson Corps. How may I help you?"

"Hello! It's me!" I declared.

"Excuse me?"

"It's Ellen Carson! What's going on?!" I shouted for her incompetence?

"Madame!" She realized. "I hear things are not going very well up there."

"Get me Landre."

"Please hold on."

She put me on hold?! I'm here waiting restlessly in a that turned stuffy despite the air conditioning. I am vexed and Donald looking at me now and then like I would soon explode wasn't helping.

"Madame, I put Ruff on the other line," she came back.

"I said get me..."

"Hello?! Madame, you didn't tell us you'd be late. These guys are doing well to hide their irritation but we can tell." Ruff only elevated my anger, did I know I would be late?!

I breathed slowly to calm down. "Where is Landre?

" I'll try and see, hold on."

"Ruff, take me..."He put me on hold again and I groaned loudly.

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