"Do you really think it's the right time to argue whether I should or shouldn't be here, Stiles?" She growls. I look around for any signs of the bad guys but only found it clear. I roll my eyes and grab her by the arms.

"Get in." I huff out. Lea climbs in and I shut the doors behind her.

"Is she okay?" She asks.

"Well, considering I just pressed my lips against a girl who's unconscious, which I'd rather prefer her to be awake, I just saved her life." I say.

"She stopped breathing?" Lea asks.

"Yes, how did you get her? If you got here, then we can escape now. Like right now. We need to get her out of here." I say.

"I took a cap." Lea sighs.

"You took...what the hell is-"

"Stop asking me questions if you're just gonna end up disappointed!" Lea's eyes squint shut and she grabs her throat.

"Stop raising your voice at me and maybe you won't be in so much pain." I point out.

"Shut up." She scoffs. I look out the windows and noticed a large shadow on the walls. Lea and I lean down a bit to hide ourselves. I peak my head up and see Kali and the twins passing by, seeming clueless to our presence. They disappear and I felt a little relieved. I suddenly hear fast footsteps approaching. Lea and I stand to our feet and we grab onto each other.

"What is that?" Lea asks.

"Shh." I demand. I look down at Lea and she grabs her rolled up baton, preparing to fight. A body is suddenly slammed against the doors and we find Scott, sweaty and beaten up, holding up a weak Peter.

"Stiles! Open the door!" He demands. I push the doors open and felt relieved.

"Sorry." I say.

"Help me get him in." Scott says, holding up a weak Peter. Lea and I both reach out and grab Peter. "Lea? What are you doing here?" Scott asks.

"Can we just not worry about me right now. What's happening?" Lea asks as we place Peter down beside me.

"Where's Derek and Jennifer?" I ask.

"I have to go back for them and my mom." Scott says.

"Okay. Two problems. Kali's got the keys to this thing, and we just saw the twins, like, 30 seconds ago." I say.

"Stay here." Scott says.

"Wait, Scott! If you need help, let me come." Lea says.

"Stay here with Stiles. Peter is too weak to help himself, let alone Stiles carry Cora incase you guys need to get out of here." Scott says and disappears. While we waited for Scott to return, a black Toyota shows up and we see Isaac. I push the doors open and we step outside the ambulance.

"Where's Scott?" Isaac asks.

"He went back for his mom." Peter says as he grabs Cora's unconscious body and pulls her into the car. As I prepared to jump in, I glance around and see Lea standing at the doors and staring at a clipboard with papers on it.

"Lea, come on." I say. She turns her head and holds a stare with me before popping her baton open and she takes off running in the same direction Scott went.

"Lea!" I shout.

"Stiles, get in!" Peter shouts. I look at him and Cora before slamming the door shut and running up to the ambulance door, reading what Lea was reading. Legal parent/guardian. She figured it out. Scott's mom. Melissa. I pull away from the ambulance and try my best to catch up with Lea.

Voices ☽ Teen Wolf {Book 1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora