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Aspyn POV

So finally, we are here. What all my schooling and hard work has been here for. My first ever Grand Prix and what a good one to start with, the Australian Grand Prix. Today is Thursday, so that means media da for all the drivers and a few interviews for the team Principles. I had my lanyard around my neck ready to scan the gates to let me in. What an amazing moment hearing that unique noise. There are all sorts of photographers with their range of cameras and lenses pointed facing us. I'm not going to lie it does make me very nervous. Knowing me I will fall over in front of them and become the laughing stock of the paddock at some point during this season.  Lando, however, looks at home here. He has a big smile across his face almost strutting to the McLaren hospitality. Then, there is me next to him, looking like a fumbling, focusing on my feet making sure the falling over doesn't happen on my first day at least. 

Lando suddenly diverts left heading toward someone, I think it is another driver. As I get closer I can make out that it is Lewis Hamilton, or should I say, Sir Lewis Hamilton. I'm just stood alone in the paddock waiting for him to finish because I don't want to intrude on their convocation, well I don't know if I would be I just don't want to feel like I am. Besides, Lewis doesn't know me either so there isn't any point going over if Lando doesn't ask me to. Would be too awkward don't you think? Most of the photographers are loving the fact that Lando and Lewis are together right now, trying to make a story out of something that probably isn't something. But hey you can't knock some of the pictures they take, they are amazing. As well they are just doing their jobs. However, one camera remained on me. The man was kneeled down on the floor with his black lens pointing up to my face. I knew who this photographer was, after all, I was and still am a massive fan of F1 and everyone knows who he is. It is the one and only Kym Illman. His photos are some of the best of motorsport, so many drivers use his photos and post them on their Instagrams. So, why was he taking pictures of me, I am not of any importance whatsoever. And I am certainly not very interesting. I give him a small one-sided kind of nervous smile. He clearly notices my discomfort and confusion and heads on over. 

"Gu'day, you might know me but I am Kym. Hope you don't mind the pictures I've taken.' he says while putting his camera down and then extending his hand for a quick shake. 

"Hiya, of course, I know you. I was a bit shocked to see a camera pointed at me. I'm Aspyn by the way, Lando's trainer. I'm new here so don't really know what to expect with everything or even where to go. As you can see Lando has left me." I gesture towards Lewis and Lando stood on the other side of the Paddock walkway. I give him a smile back before he begins to talk again. 

"Aghhh yes, I had heard that he had a new trainer. People were saying you were a very pretty young lady. I guess they are right!" 

My eyes widened in response to what he just said, my cheeks flared up. What on earth. Who is talking about me like that, I mean maybe Lando was, but it sounds like a few people have been saying it. I haven't even met ten people from the paddock. the news has sent me into overdrive. What on earth was going on. With the news still needing to be digested, I say goodbye and head over to be Lando. If I let him talk any longer we are going to be late, and I can't be late on my first day at my first Grand Prix. Did I mention it is my first Grand Prix? I tap him on the shoulder and his head swings around and Lewis's head pokes out to the side. Both sets of eyes are on me now. Trust me to go silent and become mute when they are both waiting for me to talk. 

"Agh Aspyn, what do you need? Oh Lewis this is Apsyn, the girl..." just before Lando could finish his sentence Lewis cuts in pulling me into a big teddy bear hug. 

"OHHH, yes. I've heard much about you.' He says into my ear. "Don't worry only good things" 

I'm glad he said that last section because knowing me I would have spent the whole of the day overthinking what he could have possibly said. He lets go of me from the hug and a return to my spot next to Lando. My red cheeks are still present, maybe more red now. Silence washes over the group, maybe even a slightly awkward atmosphere. I take this opportunity to tell Lando we need to go. Finally, we start walking towards McLaren hospitality with not a minute to spear. 

"What were you telling him Lando?" I suddenly blurt out just before we got to his driver's room. 

"Aghhh... it doesn't matter. Nothing which concerns you" I stopped in my track. All I could well it must concern me. I mean Lewis did say that he had JUST heard all about me. When else would he have spoken to Lewis he has been with me for the past few days. 

"Well then, I will ask it in a different way, what did you tell him about me?" he turned around looking straight into my eyes. I couldn't hold eye contact for long at all, I tilted my head downwards. I think maybe I might have said it with too much of a demanding tone, I may have sounded too harsh. Instantly, a wash of guilt floods over me. I close my eyes, in an attempt to block the guilt out but when I reopen my eyes I see a pair of grey trainers in front of mine. Swiftly followed by a hand lifting my face up. My eyes drift to Lando's moistened lips. If we weren't stood in the small white corridor, I would leap at the chance to kiss him. But I have to refrain.  His hand touches mine, then grabs it hard and pulls me straight into his driver's room, and slams the door behind him. I wonder how many people then turned to look in the direction of the door, wondering what on earth was going on? After being pulled in I find myself with my head resting upon his toned chest and my arms resting around his waist. He begins to ower his head to my neck. My breathing is picking up in pace. The touch of his lips soft against my neck causing my hair to stand up on my back. the way he makes my body react is like no other. My body ignites. 

"I was asking him advice on how to make you mine... officially," he whispers in my ear. Softly and with a slight husk to his voice. The ultimate way for seduction. I finally process what he has said after, overcoming the burning sensation in the pit of my stomach. Wait, he wants to make it official? Hold the damn phone! I can't help but let a massive smile wipe across my face. My teeth are even showing that is how happy I am right now. 

"I wanted to do a grand gesture for you because that is what you deserve. Plus I wanted to show you what you mean to me. But of course, you had to know now." Lando carried on whispering in my ear. 

Lando's POV

Aspyn's face was the most beautiful one I have ever seen, her smile, her eyes. They all grab my attention from a mile away. She lights up my world. My whole entire world. I had this huge plan to ask her after the race on Sunday, and if I was on a podium. I would ask her from the podium. I would have got a microphone and made sure everyone knows that she, Aspyn is my girlfriend. I want to show her off to the world. Show everyone how incredibly lucky I am to have her stroll into my life. Her innocent look at life is just something I love about her, but at the same time, I want to be the one who taints her a bit. I want to treat her like a queen. She is Hopefully going to be my Queen. She is a goddess. There is a few moments of silence in the room. It's filled with my mind racing, preparing myself to ask her this big question. I know she really likes me and I really like her too. 

"Aspyn, from the day I saw you for that trial day, I have been in ore of you. Watching you be driven with helping me. Looking into your eyes every day. I want to ask you, will you be my girlfriend?" I could feel my hands have become clammy, probably from the huge amount of nerves for what she is going to answer. I mean I am confident she will say yes but, there is always that bit of doubt in my mind. it could all be one big lie. 

However, I didn't need to wait long before I see her lick her lips. Preparing herself to talk. But before I could do anything her lips have crashed onto mine with one hand running through my hair and one cupping my cheek. I take some time to react, shocked at this reaction. I didn't need the word yes from her. This is even better. What more could I ask for, the girl of my dreams is now my girlfriend. One of my hands is cupping her cheek and the other one is on her lower back. This kiss deepens and this prompts my hand to lower down to her arse. Fuck me I've been dreaming of touching this arse for months. The way it feels within my hand, soft but also a bit firm, spilling out of my hand when I squeeze tightly. Every time I squeeze I hear her exhale deeply, letting me know she likes that. After what feels like an eternity of kissing she pulls away. her lips wet and swollen. Her eyes narrow, like she is giving me the 'fuck me now' eyes. Even the thought of doing that with her is getting me feeling all kinds of ways. 

"Yes, Lando I will be your girlfriend," she says hocking her arms around my neck. I rest my forehead on hers. Just soaking in the moment that she has become mine officially. 


Hey guys, sorry it has been such a long time. But thought I would give you a juicy chapter because you have waited so long. Thank you for your patience. Remember to like and comment. I love hearing what you have to say. Hope you enjoy:))))

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