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I pull into my space to park the car, get out and juggle the mountain of boxes they had given me as well as all my bags from the day and my gym gear. Steadily, balancing the boxes as I go to open the door. Just before I get to the door it swings open and all I hear is, "Aspyn!!! Your home." She takes the boxes of pizzas from my hands and I slide my shoes of and put my bags down while shutting the door behind me. Us two girls tend to keep our place tidy so I make sure to then put my shoes in the cupboard. The cupboard is over flowing with my trainers and Layla's heels. I walk through the hall way and sit at our island in the kitchen. I find my pizza and open it up. The smell of a Texas BBQ hits my nose, followed by the potato wedges and garlic bread. Layla sits next to me with a huge grin on her face. "So tell me all about your day? Was he as good looking in person as he is in pictures?" I blush at the thought of Lando. After finishing the bite of pizza I just took I said "It was amazing really, like the building is so cool and Zak Brown is the nicest man ever. Lando was so easy to train. I felt like he welcomed me with open arms." I take a minute to have another bite. "That is amazing Aspyn, I'm so proud" she says as coming to give me another big hug. They will never get old. "When do you find out if you have got the job?" she says while a hand remains on my arm, giving the conversation a more serious tone. "I find out tomorrow evening at the earliest. The other guy has his trial tomorrow. I can only hope really." "Now I noticed you didn't answer my other question. Is he cute?" Again my cheeks blush but they go an either darker red. "Well yeah he is so cute. When I was training him I just kept gorming at him. He deffo noticed but he would just smile at me" I said all that with an even bigger smile on my face. "Naww, now that is a bonus of working for McLaren." I giggle in agreement as we finish off our pizzas while watching some Sidemen.

It has been a couple hours since we ate our Dominoes, and we had been slumped on the grey corner sofa  watching The Greatest Showman. I'm sure you can imagine us both singing and dancing along to the songs. Especially the dance which went viral on TikTok. Me and Layla both tried to learn it during lockdown. Lets just say we are not professional dancers at all, or even good dancers full stop. The film came to an end and I got up to head to bed, I was truly puffed after today. I get to my room and sit down at my desk, in front of my big window. I open my note pad to write my note for my Grandy. I wrote...

Grandy, today has been the best day of my life. I am so happy. I went to McLaren to do a trial run for that dream job we always used to talk about. I am so pleased with how I performed and I am sure you will be as well. I find out tomorrow evening or the morning following, so I will be sure to write to you again when I find out. I am so happy I did this. Thankyou, for showing me how to be strong. I miss and love you.

Once I have tucked it away in my box of messages, I head to my ensuit and take of the make up of the day and tie my hair up to get in the bath. I have my Ipad on the side of the bath with Netflix playing. The bath is full of bubbles as I added a bath bomb I got from Lush a few weeks back. Half way through a episode of Vampire Dairies, I see a Instagram notification pop up on my Ipad. I dry my hands and lean to get my phone. I unlock my phone click on Insta. My mouth opens wide in shock from what I am seeing. McLaren had followed me. They don't follow many people why me? I can't help but let my brain wonder off and think if I have got the job already or if they are just doing it because they feel bad. My thought are interrupted by a second notification. This time it is Lando following me! My mouth curls up and my heart feels an immense energy surge through it. I click on his profile, which I'm not following to my surprise. So to correct that I hit that blue follow button. I can't help but scroll through his feed, having liked a few photos here and there. They must have been linked on the F1 pages, I think to my self. A few picture catch my eye and again I can't help but blush and think back to our bike ride. The flash backs are welcome but I need to remember if I get this job I need to keep it professional. 50 minutes have passed, so it is time to get out the bath and into my pjs. I say pjs but all I wear is a over sized tshirt. I'm climbing into bed and I see I have a notification; a Instagram notification.


Hey mate, just wanted to say well done for today. I can't imagine how nervous you would have been.


Hey Lando! That is so kind of you, thankyou for the message. To be honest I was more nervous about falling over or spilling my drink. I had a great day. Thanks for having me.

I plug my phone in to charge over night, and roll over to get comfy and sleep. I'm lying there for sometime not being able to sleep because I'm so excited but also anxious. I spray some of my sleep spray on my pillow. The next thing I know is that it is 10am. I roll over, grab my phone and run to the toilet. Then I walk down stairs, ready to make my morning smoothie which I try to have every morning. But I'm going to be honest hear, I don't because 1) I can't be bothered to make it or 2) I just fancy to have a shit tone of Nutella on toast. I open the fridge and notice that there is only some milk, butter and ketchup in the fridge. "Layla!!!" I shout up the stairs, "We need to go shopping like now. There is no food." "Yeah okay, give me an hour and I will be done out the bath and ready!" I take this time to go back to my room and throw on some comfy clothes. The outfit I decide to wear is all white. Just some simple joggers and white crop top. After all, we are just going to Tesco. I put on some light make up and put my hair in a low bun. One of my fave styles.

 Layla still isn't quite ready

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Layla still isn't quite ready. I take myself down stair sit on the arm of the sofa waiting. Too pass the time I look at my phone for the first time today and I see another message from Lando. I can't think what he has replied to my message last night but it makes me feel just a tiny bit happy to see his name in bold on my messages list on Insta.


Hope to see you again soon Aspyn, your session was fun. Wish me look with the trial today. I think he has a military background so I'm gonna get destroyed!!!

The last part of his message makes me laugh, especially now that I know he does not enjoy cardio at all. I sit there, imagine him doing something silly like 200 burpees. The thought makes me laugh again. I hear Layla come down the stairs so I stop laughing and type my reply.


Yeh, hopefully I get the job to see u again, I had fun. I'm sure he won't be too bad. He deffo will get the job done that is for sure.

Layla gets her shoes and we walk out the door. She clearly sees the smirk I have on my face. But she chooses to ignore it for now. We head out in her car because she needs to fill her car with petrol when we leave. The drive there is only a few minutes but I connect my phone to the car and play Friday. All my days feel like a Friday now, not having a job at the moment but hopefully that changes. I do enjoy working, I like feeling important and needed and work is something that provides that. After a few minutes we pull into the Tesco carpark and head on in.


Hey guys, I know some of you might find this silly but I wanted to say thanks for 100 reads!! It means so much to me. Especially since I'm new to this. Thankyou!!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter

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