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Finally home, from what was only ament to be a quick shop, we unpack the huge amount of food shopping as well as new bed sheets for both of our bed. Layla also bought a food mixer because she says she wants to really get into baking so one day she can get on Bake Off. That is her latest obsession but lets all be honest, it is a great show. You simply can not deny it. After we have unpacked all the food, I make us both a favorite of ours. Simple but delicious ham and cheese toasties done in our panini press. A little secret is to let the grated cheese melt a little bit before putting the ham on the bread, oh and use both Cheddar cheese and Red Leicester. You can thank me later. We sit down in front of the TV which is mounted on the wall, and flick on some Take Me Out. By the time we finish our food and the show it is already quite late. Layla asks me to help fake tan her before we head of to bed so I do just that.

"Are you nervous Aspyn?" she says giving me her bottle of fake tan and mitten. "Ermm, to be honest I am so nervous, I haven't heard anything today and it is past 5 o'clock so I doubt I will hear today." I say keeping in the fact that if I don't get this job,  I won't be able to afford to live with Layla much longer. "I think you have got the job, why else would Lando follow you on Insta" I nod hesitantly in agreement. "Well I suppose he could have found you attractive and wanted to slide in your dm's!" The last part of her sentence made us both laugh at how cringe it was but I couldn't help but think what if that was actually true. Could you imagine? I get brought out of own world with Layla taking the fake tan bottle out of my hand and her saying thankyou. I head into my room, exhausted from the anxiety of waiting to find out if I have got the job.

I've been tucked in my bed for a few hours just scrolling through Instagram and TikTok, when I receive a message from Lando. I see the first few words but I was too slow to read the rest. The first few words were 'Hey Aspyn, get ready for'. The cliff hanger of not knowing how the message ended made me immediately click on Instagram and look at his message.


Hey Aspyn, get ready for the email coming out in like 5 mins :) Hope you aren't too disappointed x

Straight away I get up and run to Layla's room, like a young child on Christmas morning. I swing the door open and just stand at the door. I flip my phone round, showing her the message which I don't quite know what to take from it. She screams. "I don't know what to think!" I say while I am starting shake because of the amount of adrenaline in my body. There is about 2 minutes until the email is meant to come through according to Lando's message. I sit on the end of the bed and Layla comes right next to me. Both in our pj tops.  To fill some of the longest 2 minutes ever I reply to Lando.


Hi, I hope u realize how nervous u hav now made me. Sat with Layla shaking... x

An email pops through. This is the moment I have been waiting for. I give my phone to Layla because I can't bring myself to open the email and face the embarrassment and devastation first hand. I could NOT face the sadness of seeing the words 'you have not been successful' or something along those lines. My grandad would be so sad for me. The image of him consoling me pops in my head and that was enough to urge a tear to roll down my cheek. In the corner of my eye I see Layla's hand move to click on my emails. Just before she does she looks at me with a smile. I see the email from McLaren on the screen and turn my head to look at her wardrobe. I close my eyes and...

"OMG, ASPYN!" My head swings round to look at her and then the phone. I snatch the phone from her and look at the email my self. I couldn't deal with her squealing any longer. I had to know what they said. I had to know now!

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