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So, today was THE day, the day I was going to send my application to do my dream job finally. My dream job has always been to be a PT for an athlete in any sport; it just happens to be that F1 is my favorite sport. It has been my favorite ever science I can remember. My grandad and I used to sit down together and watch it. I can still hear my grandad screaming at the TV when it was the last lap and Lewis was about to win his first race. You see, for me, Lewis wasn't my favorite, no one was really at that time, but in recent years I have developed a favorite. The email is sent. Gone, gone forever. All I can do now is wait for a response. I wish my grandad were here with me; he would love to hear that I have even sent off an application to McLaren for a job.

"He would be so proud of me," I say out loud to myself, looking up to the sky.

---------- 3 DAYS LATER ---------

It was a lazy day today. I had a huge lie in. It was called for; I have been working very hard the past week. I roll over on my bed and see it is 10:30 am... "Shit, McLaren should have replied today!!" Just at that moment, my roommate, Layla, walks in with her eyebrows raised and her eyes popping out. She was waiting for me to tell her the news. "I haven't looked yet; I just woke up." "Well, what are you waiting for?!?!" she exclaimed as she bounded onto my bed and tucked herself in. I turned my phone on to see I had not one but two Emails from McLaren. I selected the first email they sent me...

Dear Candidate,

Sadly I write to tell you that you have NOT successfully made it any further in the selection process. We thank you for your time.

Kind Regards,

Team McLaren.

My eyes well up. What was I ament to do? I quit my job, pinning all my hopes on this job. I felt so confident that I could at least make it to the next round. I thought my CV was good. Clearly, I was naive. "Aspyn, it is okay. There the idiots for not wanting you. Your amazing and passionate with anything you do." I lean into my best friend's shoulder and sob. It is all I can do. My phone slips out of my hand, landing on my tropical leaf print bed sheets. My eyes watch Layla's hands pick my phone up. Usually, I would care, but right now, I'm too sad. "Aspyn! Aspyn, they sent you the wrong Email! OMG, I knew it couldn't be true!!" "Stop Layla, why are you joking about this? Look at me" I rolled over, fed of her annoyance for now. She grabbed me by the shoulder and rolled me back over, with the beaming white light of the phone shoved in my face. I can barely see from the amount of salty water filling my eyes, but I am just able to make out the words on the screen...

Dear Aspyn,

Sorry about the previous Email; that Email was not intended to go to you. We realize our mistake. We want to confirm that you are one of the final two PTs. We invite you to a practice training session this Sunday. Please arrive at our headquarters at 10:00 am sharp, and further instructions will be given to you. We apologize again.

Kind Regards,

Team McLaren.

My emotions have never been on such a roller coaster. 30 seconds ago, I was crying, and now Layla and I are jumping up and down on my bed, screaming and singing at the top of our lungs with excitement. Can you believe it? I sure can't.

Immediately, we plan what I will wear when I have to go in. Sunday is tomorrow, so it is all very rushed. If I weren't in such a rush, we would have gone to London for a shopping trip, but my old clothes will be just fine. We pick out two outfits, one business-type outfit, and one gym outfit. The business outfit ended up being a bit sexy, but I liked it. I felt confident. And the gym clothes were just comfortable. I also packed an oversized jumper if I got a cold, but I can't imagine that would happen. After all, I am there for a PT job.

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The rest of the day, I couldn't stop smiling

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The rest of the day, I couldn't stop smiling. All day I had been prepping for tomorrow. I wrote a note for my Grandy, to let him know about the exciting news and put it in my special box. The box is overflowing with the notes that I write for him. I should probably get a new one. He means so much to me; I wish he were here to see me now.

---------- SUNDAY ----------

Today was the day. My alarm went off at 8:00 am. I am awake but not quite yet ready for a full convocation. I'm hoping a bit of music will correct that. I climb out of bed, take a quick shower, being careful not to get my hair wet, and then put on the business suit Layla, and I picked yesterday. I then walked back into my bathroom and did some light natural makeup. I hated a full face of makeup; it always made my skin itch on the few occasions on which I wore it. All I wore was some concealer, powder, bronzer, and mascara. I was lucky with my eyebrows. They were naturally quite full. By the time I had finished getting ready in my room, it was 9:00 am, and Layla was downstairs waiting for me. I walked down out stairs to the kitchen. "Morning Lay!" I said as I opened the fridge door to grab my lunch I made yesterday. "Morning, how are we feeling? Excited?" "Ermmm, yeah, I am, I guess but also sooo nervous. You know how bad I want this job." As I shut the door to the fridge, Layla gave me a massive hug and whispered in my ear, "I'm so proud of you, and so is your Grandy" I smile at her. "Layla, you are the bestest frien... Fuck. I need to leave right now, or I am going to be late" I run to the door while grabbing my bag and water bottle. I hop in my Mini Cooper and zoom out of our flats car park. Traffic isn't too heavy where I live, which is good. It means I can go a little bit faster than you are ament to. My satnav iPhone predicts I will be there with five minutes to spare.


This is my first ever story; I hope you enjoy it, and please let me know if there are any mistakes.

I hope you enjoy :)

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