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I get out my car, not forgetting bags, and walk towards the entrance. I am dead on time so I am shocked not to see Lando there as he was the one telling me not to be late. I stand in front of a pillar waiting for him to turn up, scrolling through my phone. I go on to Instagram and decide I should message him to were on earth he is. Just as I got to start typing "BOO!" he screams while putting his arms on my arms. Jumping from behind the pillar I was stood in front. "HAHAHA, I did tell you that there would be more pranks." he said while still laughing at me. My heart was pounding. I shake my head, I just walk off into the building. I was annoyed that he had already managed to scare me. I need to up my game, don't you think? I push the glass door open, being conscious not to hold it for Lando. I walk up to the lady at reception and ask her to show me where to go to see Zak Brown, as it is my first day and I need to sign some bits and pick up some stuff. Lando comes in, running after me down the long, white corridor. My head turn sharply to look at him placing my hand on his chest and say "This is war Lando, just you wait." I'm conscious of my hand on his chest. My eyes stare at my hand and I can't help but smile at what I am thinking. I'm thinking if he minds that my hand is there, or if he doesn't want it there? But he doesn't remove it, but is that because he doesn't want to be rude? I get brought out of my over thinking by his hand tickling the side of my body. I tap him on the chest with a smile on my face and walk off down the corridor. Lando following close behind me. Almost like a lost puppy. You would have thought I would have been the lost one in this new building, which may I add is like a maze. The only place I know how to get to is the food hall! Of course I remember where that is.

"Aspyn, please do come in. Have you got Lando with you?" Zak says as he ushers me to take a seat. Things are a lot less formal this time. No huge table separating us. This just means I'm a lot closer to Lando. I pull the orange seat out in front of the small coffee table which is in Zak's office and so does Lando. As he is sitting down he puts his hand on mine as he is tucking his chair. I quickly move it away as I was not prepared for that. The smallest of touches from him make me blush, and especially at this moment that was not okay. I need to learn to stay professional and get this small crush I have on him under control. We are only in there for about 30 minutes, maybe like 40 minutes at a push. However, the time went so fast. I've not even done much yet and time is going so fast, I love this job so much. I sign everything I need to sign. Get my uniform for race weekends, which I totally forgot was part of my job. How exciting!!!

I've got changed into my gym gear ready for mine and Lando's first official training session together. I say training session today we are only going to do some fitness test because I want to talk to him about what he enjoys and what he feels he needs to work on. The fitness test are because it is the beginning of the season so we need to be able to see an improvement by the time it gets to the race. To start off with we do a sub maximal VO2 max test, to give me an idea of what his endurance would be like. He rolls his eyes me when I tell him but he gets on with it. I promised I would play his choice of music to help him get through it. As he is biking I begin to see the sweat form on his forehead and his arm begin to glisten in the light from the sweat. It was very distracting being able to see that first hand. A bead of sweat dropped from his curly dark brown hair ran down his nose and then fell onto his lips. I blush watching this minute action happen. Quickly, turning around to hide my face, I grab my paper and head back towards him with his water, to tell him he can finally stop.

"Finally, that was like toucher. Maybe I should have picked the other guy!" he says while nudging his shoulder into my side.

"It wasn't that bad, stop being a wet wipe you muppet" I say giving him a cheeky smirk back. He looked at the fact I used the word muppet. I have always used that word from when I was little. That was my nick name from my Grandy. "Muppet ayyy, no one ever uses that word" he said after taking a gulp of his water. "Ohh, I have always used it to be honest. My Grandy used to call me it when I was little." Talking about it reminded me of so many memories, one in particular being in the park on a sea saw. I fell off and broke my arm and when we was in the hospital he called me a muppet. My eyes were glazing over from thinking of the memory and I feel Lando's hand on my leg "Are you okay Aspyn? I didn't mean to make you upset or anything." He said this with such a gentle tone, I felt secure with his presence. "It's okay, I was just thinking of a memory before Grandy passed away." A tear is released from my eye. "Oh gosh, I am so sorry". His arm wraps around my waist as we as sat cross legged on the floor and I lean into his side. We where like this for about fine minutes while I collected my thoughts.

After lunch, we headed to my new office and did some chatting about the first race and what he wants to eat there so I can make the meal list for the chefs. The chefs are such nice people and I am glad I get on with them. The first chef is called Lucy and the second one is called Marcus. I heard that they are married and have a child. I feel so welcomed by everyone here at McLaren, you can really see why people often call it a family. I've only been here for one day and I am beginning to feel like I am part of them. After a few meetings with Lando's engineers and Dani's trainer, I pack my bags to head home. I leave my gym clothes over night, I only wore them for an hour or so and I didn't to any exercise today so they don't need washing. I wave buy to the kind receptionist and open the door. Lando is stood at the front. Is he waiting for me?

"Hey Lando, waiting for me. Can't get enough of me?" I say, knowing I am being cheeky. He looks at me licking his lips. "Nahhh, I'm waiting for Carlos actually but how was the rest of your day?" "It was great! Loved every second of it. I got to get home to cook wraps for mine and Layla's tea. I will see you round" I start walking off to my car and hear him shout "I love wraps!! When can I come?" I turn my head smiling while still walking to my Mini and shout back "When ever you want!!" I say and give him a quick wink before I turn back around to head to my car. Did I just wink at Lando? I question myself. OMG I did, I really need to get this flirting under control. I start the engine, reverse and head home.

Lando's POV

She just winked at me, I think to my self. I know I have a crush on hear but I can't be thinking she has a crush on me. She is my trainer for god sake. I'm scrolling through my Instagram, still waiting for Carlos when I see she has posted a Instagram post.

Aspyn500 What a brilliant first day at work

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Aspyn500 What a brilliant first day at work... Hope you are proud Grandad.

Layla01, mclaren and 44 others liked this post


Layla01: so proud of you boo!! See you in 30

I give it a quick like just as I hear Carlos shout "LANDOOOO!" and quickly comment 'I had a great day to muppet'. Before Carlos can reach me I slip my phone back into my jeans pocket. I have the biggest grin on my face and Carlos looks at me with a smile and I just know it is going to be a whole evening of him asking me questions at golf.


Here is the next chapter guys, thanks for reading. And I know it is not a lot but 200 reads is amazing to me as I didn't even expect 100. Thanks again for reading:)))

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