Just three words

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All of the other guilds had been alerted of the impending war that was going to take place with the demons. Everyone had gotten the substantial amount of rest that they needed and they were stationed all over the country. They weren't clear on the part that Zeref was going to play and who the dragon King was, but they were going to all try to be as ready as they possibly could for it.

"Where's Happy and Juvia?"

Wendy's words sunk into everyone's heads as they were looking around, whispering to one another. There's no way that she could have overslept, right? Or even worse, try to go ahead of everyone else. The noise started getting louder and Erza coughed to get their attention, silencing them all.

"She'll be here, I have no doubt about it."

The door slammed open and they all released the air that they had been holding and were ready to scream at the female mage for making them panic, only for them to see a distraught Happy fly into the guild.

"Is Juvia here?! Why didn't she wake me up?!"

Everyone paled as Lily stepped towards his fellow feline friend.

"Happy, Juvia isn't here," he spoke slowly so that it would sink in his head. "We were hoping that Juvia was going to be with you and that you guys were just going to take your time to come to the guild."

By this point, there were tears in Happy's eyes. He was stressed out about the whole situation. First, Natsu had been turned into this demon, and now Juvia was missing. He didn't know how or why he thought about it, but it definitely had something to do with that figure. The one from the market that Juvia had bumped into. Juvia definitely knew him from somewhere...


Everyone paused and Erza shook her head. "That's kind of a big statement, Happy. How would End have her when we would have heard any signs of struggling? On top of that, you were in the same apartment as her last night, I'm sure you would have felt his presence or heard her screaming."

Happy shook his head, thinking about the situation even more. He had spent three months with Juvia to know what sort of ideas she had going on in her head. Behind closed doors, she was a very different person to her usual stalker self. Her mind was over imaginative for a reason. She was always planning. She had probably the best strategies you could ever think of and even Gajeel admitted that she was the reason as to why element four was so successful in everything they did. Her mind just worked too fast for her own good and she thought of different scenarios when one answer wasn't good enough for her.

"No, I'm sure it was End. We bumped into someone at the market on our way back last week and Juvia paled, almost as if she knew the man. He wore a cloak and he had murderous intent leaking right out of him. Even I was paralysed with fear. Juvia tried to play it off as nothing, but I knew that he wasn't a regular that we always saw around here, even though we hadn't been here for almost three months. Juvia was a little shaken last week from bringing back the barrels and this morning, it was almost as if I could feel the remaining traces of the same murderous intent I felt last night. End came for Juvia, and knowing Juvia, she quietly left because she plans on reading the book."

No one spoke and it was so silent that Happy swore to Kami that no one was breathing. Lucy stood up from where she was sitting, gaining everyone's attention as she held her keys close to her body. Their eyes all turned to her as it looked like she had something to say.

"Then all we can do is do our part to support Juvia from here. We need to make sure that the enemy has retreated by the time she brings Natsu back here to the guild with us."

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