"Gajeel, I hear a person moving inside!"

Erza made a stern look as she ran in front of everyone else to pull the guy out. Everyone waited by the door before they saw Erza wearing a panicked expression, as she held up a guy who seemed to be sobbing and leaning on her for support.

"Thank you for finding me, I thought I was going to die!"

"Sir, can you tell us what happened?"

"Yeah, did you see a guy named Natsu and a girl called Juvia? D'you know where they might be?"

The man rubbed his head and stopped his tears as he asked to be gently put down. Wendy's healing instincts kicked in as she started healing the man of any injuries. Gajeel grumbled that he was going to go into the house and look for a few clues and Lily went to join him. Happy was impatient, waiting for the man to talk so that he could tell them where his companion went.

"We were attacked. My master hired Juvia and Natsu to transport the book of E.N.D. to this house-"

"Why this house though?"

Everyone's eyes swiveled to Gray as he asked the question, throwing them out of the story. They all glared and he waved his hands in front of him in surrender. "Hey, it was Gajeel who said that it smells like Hades! I just wanted to know what was so special about this house!"

The butler nodded. "Yes, my master, Yato, is indeed related to Hades. They are distant cousins, but blood all the same. Not sure if you've noticed, but Hades' magic does continue to live on, and as my master has no magic to protect himself, it would make sense to leave it in a house where the demons can't get into. Hades would have protected the book."

"Book? What book? Why do I feel like there's a big secret where us as mages actually need to know what's going on?"

Everyone hummed in agreement with Lucy's words as the butler sighed.

"I'll just do my best to explain all that I know then. Please, no interruptions." He waited for them all to nod in agreement and he nodded back. "Many of you know about Zeref, the strongest dark mage to ever live. We all know of the demons that he has roaming around earthland. Those demons were actually made in order to kill him, but they also ran amok and attacked humans. There is one hidden demon that needs to have the whole words of a book read to them in order to awaken them. That is the book of E.N.D. The lucky thing about this book is that it's written in Mildian language which is now a dead tongue, rendering Zeref worshippers useless in the enchanting."

The man coughed and Wendy patted his back for him. He shot her a grateful look. "I don't actually think that even Zeref's demons are able to enchant it, but that I'm not quite sure on. I do know that my master is from a long line of Mildian readers, where they have kept the language alive in their households. That's probably why my master was taken away."

The man's shoulders sunk and he held his head low. "Then I woke up to see neither the carriage or my other colleague here."

"That's because they knocked you guys out with this assassin's bomb." Gajeel exited from the house with Lily behind him as he held up the case. Lily spoke.

"Judging from how empty it is, I'm going with the fact that they used every last drop of it as well. The others probably all breathed it in and are heavily knocked out. Gajeel said that this stuff could keep you asleep for hours. Anyone with any magic within them wouldn't be able to use magic for the next 24 hours, but seeing as you're not able to use magic anyway, you're fine."

The man sighed and nodded. Suddenly, there was a sound of hooves heading towards them and everyone got in stance to see what was heading their way. They stopped short when they noticed that it was just a horse and the man stood up, smiling a little bit.

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