To get to know you

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"Although Natsu's eyes are black, they have the strangest tint of green in them. He has really pretty eyes. Juvia is jealous."

She watched how her tent stood up and she pouted. Natsu was too good at this camping stuff. Well she guessed that this was something that he had been doing since he was a kid, so if he wasn't good, that would be quite worrying. At least she could say that she was the better cook.

As if on cue, Natsu's stomach started talking in ways that all Natsu could do was stand there, scratch the back of his head and look sheepish. It was Juvia's turn to burst out laughing as she went through her jacket, looking for their dinner seal. Natsu started getting excited when the seal was out in front of him.

"Wait, wait! Can I open it?!"

Juvia gave Natsu a skeptical look. So she may have forgotten the first time to tell Natsu that in order to release the items from a seal, you don't need a lot of magic. Natsu ended up burning one of the blankets that Juvia had put inside of the seal. Luckily she was an organised person who brought a few supplies, not just one.


Natsu nodded, sweating bullets. He wanted to show Juvia that he could do it, but at the same time, he was doubting himself. This was food he was dealing with! If he ruined it now, what would happen next? Well, Juvia had loads more dinner seals, but that was besides the point. He couldn't let her down now.

He concentrated so hard on the seal and his wave of magic. The magic that he usually felt floating around his body took a detour to his hand as he let out the smallest little dribble pour into the seal, ultimately opening it up. He closed his eyes in shock, not wanting to see what the food will come out looking like. Juvia's cry or cheer would indicate to him just how well he's done anyway.

"Well done! It came out perfectly, thank Kami!"

He opened his eyes to see the little feast in front of him and he jumped and down, cheering for his life that he was able to open up one of the seals he handed it back to Juvia who placed it in her pocket as she grabbed a plate of ramen.

They both sat there, eating and talking, laughing and joking about things. They could both feel their hearts getting lighter, but the pain and heartache was still there. Of course it wasn't something that would go away over night, they just had to find ways to distract themselves before they were fully over it.

When they finished eating, Juvia used her water to wash out all of the plates that they used. Natsu smiled happily after being fed. He honestly couldn't get over how good her food was! He gathered that if she wasn't a mage, Juvia would hands down own the best restaurant in all of Magnolia-no! Fiore!

"So what does Natsu usually do to pass time? Juvia's never really been camping and seeing as there isn't anything run by lacryma here, how does Natsu pass time?" She didn't really want to admit to him that she was getting bored. This was something that he loved to do.

"Usually I fish, do some training and believe it or not, meditate. Okay, so my concentration to meditate isn't that great, but I still try! When I camp, it's mostly to do some training though."

Juvia nodded her head and looked really thoughtful. She needed to get a lot of training time done as she had been slacking lately. Plus, it was such a bonus to train with Natsu and seeing as their elements were the exact polar opposites, it would be good to train with him.

"So can Juvia train with Natsu then? Juvia would love to get in a lot of training time this week, it would help a lot. Juvia understands if Natsu doesn't want to though." She didn't want to impose herself on his training and maybe he might see her as too weak, but all her doubts were washed away when she saw the genuine excitement light up his face.

Cuore spezzato... (Natsu x Juvia)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt