In order to take her mind off of the pain she felt, she tried to look for her best friend. Hopefully he will be around somewhere so that they can go on a job together. She looked in his usual corner and she saw him, a faint smile on her lips. She loved going on jobs with Gajeel, especially after Gray says no. He always shouts out the things he will do to him when he gets his hands on him and even though Juvia says not to, she's happy that he still looks out for her.

"Gajeel-kun! Would you like to go on a job with Juvia?"

The iron dragon slayer gave her an apologetic looks that was only ever used on her. "Sorry ameonna, I promised the shrimp that I would go on a job with her. You can come too if you want."

Juvia forgot all about Gray and gave her best friend a sly smirk. "Oh no, it's fine, Juvia doesn't want to be third wheel."

Gajeel's face went bright red as he exploded. "WHAT?! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT AMEONNA!"

Juvia waved her hand, laughing at her friend's reaction. He was so easy to read. "Okay, okay. Anyway, Juvia will just go and find someone else. Have fun on your job! Bye Lily!" She waved to the exceed who also waved back to her.

As soon as Juvia walked away from their table, her smile dropped. She realised that she hadn't actually made good friends with that many people in the guild that they would want to go on a job with her. She squared her shoulders and dismissed the thought. They're nakama, hopefully there would be someone who would want to go on a job with her, right?

She went around, table to table and found no one. She grit her teeth and looked away from the board as she went to find a lone table. There will be no tears, she will not cry! Instead, she banged her head on the table and she knew that no one would notice that she would have done so. No one wanted to go on a job with the guild's weirdo and she couldn't blame them. She only had herself to blame really. It was her fault that she was chasing Gray and not getting to know anyone else.

She put her arms around her head as she thought about her life. Lucy was out there winning Gray's heart, her best friend was winning Levy's heart and she had rent to pay before she got kicked out of Fairy Hills. Fairy Hills wasn't lenient like Lucy's landlady, no matter how tough she tried to make herself out to be to Lucy. If you didn't have the money for Fairy Hills, you were out straight away, no discussion.

With her head still on the table, she had to think about her options. It would be better for her if she just went on a solo mission. She was quite scared to do missions by herself. She laughed inwardly at herself. Back in Phantom, she was so strong and she was feared. Here, she was ridiculed and couldn't even go on a job by herself. Pathetic.

She felt someone tap her shoulders, and for a split second, she thought it was Gray coming to apologize to her and maybe go on the job with her after all, but she quickly dismissed that thought and found herself looking into the eyes of Natsu Dragneel.

"Hey Juvia, would you go on a job with me?"

There was Natsu, standing her side, a job request in his hand. Juvia frowned. How had she missed that Natsu was in the guild? If she had seen him, she would have asked him to go on the job with her, because he rarely turns down job offers with people, but then again, his team consists of him, Happy and Lucy. Occasionally Gray and Erza would tag along with Wendy as well, making Team Natsu the strongest team in the guild up to date. Why would Natsu want to go on a job with her? She voiced what was on her mind.

"Why would Natsu want to go on a job with Juvia? Doesn't Natsu usually go with Lucy?"

At the name of Lucy, Natsu's bangs were covering his face as he looked down. He was glaring holes into the ground and Juvia actually wanted to do nothing more than hug her nakama right now. Natsu never looked this upset, this defeated.

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