"It's literally half of his name Avery calm down." Cameron laughs.

"No, no. It not just 'half of his name'. It's the name his mom called him, the name his sister calls him. I literally have no right calling him Bell." I pace back and forth in the hallway until Cameron stops me and puts his hands on the tops of my shoulders, holding me still.

"Avery, you are his friend. I'm sure he doesn't care what you call him, as long as your alive he won't care. Okay? We good." He assured me. I take a deep breathe and nod. We walk back into the room with Raven.


It was the next day. Cameron and I were training outside with Octavia and Indra decided to join in too. Bellamy was checking in soon so I went inside to talk to him. I find Clarke and Raven fighting, they are never going to get along are they?

"Ark station. Do you read me? Anybody there?" I hear Bellamy ask over the radio. Clarke pics up the mic.

"Bellamy, you're late. Every three hours means every three hours." She replies.

"Are you through?" He asks.

"Have you found the source of the acid fog?" She asks back.

"No that's gonna have to wait." He retaliated.

"What? No. Nothing is more important than that." She objected.

"Our friends are. They're starting to take them from the dorm. One at a time every few hours." He declared.

"Taking them where?" Raven asks.

"I don't know. We tried to follow them, but they went to a classified level. Maya borrowed schematics for the vent systems from her boss and I'm still trying to find a way in." He blustered. I feel a hand on me then it pulled me out into the hall.

"Cameron what the hell, we're talking to Bellamy." I freak. He looks at me worried.

"You have to come to Tondc. Tonight." He insists. Then Clarke came out into the hall.

"There you are, you have to go to Tondc, instead of me, please." She also insisted.

"Hey what the hell. Why did you both just say the same thing. And why me? Clarke I thought you were going." I add

"No, I can't. You and Cameron have to go. Oh and your dad, Lexa seems to like him." She confirmed.

"Dilf check." Cameron teased.

"Oh I regret teaching you what that is." I roll my eyes and follow Clarke to my father. She explains to him that we have to go and then she leaves. Abby walks in after telling us Jaha is gone. And he took 12 people with him to something called 'the city of light'. He was with Murphy.

"God damnit he took Murphy." I announce.

"What? Who took John?" Abby asks.

"Fucking Jaha. He said he wanted to visit his sons grave. We have to find Murphy." I argue.

"He'll be fine. He's got the survival instincts of a cockroach." Cameron remarked. Like that's going to calm me. Cockroaches get stepped on.
(OBX2 coming in 10 days yall)

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum