Chapter 1 - May The Odds Ever Be In Your Favor

Start from the beginning

"That's the girl of district 11", the boy of 2 recognized me. 

"Yeah. And?", the girl of 4 replied. 

"She might be of use", the girl of 1 suddenly realized. "With the seeds", she added. 

Seeds? What were they talking about? 

The boy of 1 pulled me onto my feet earning a hiss of pain from me. 

"You must have noticed yourself that there isn't any food inside the arena, haven't you?", he questioned. 

I stayed silent. 

The girl from 2 sighed. "We didn't get any food either. Just damn seeds! But whatever we try, they aren't growing. Eating them raw isn't an option either. We tried that", she informed me. 

"So, bothering to help us out? At least as long as you supply us with food we won't kill you", the boy of 2 tried persuading me. 

"How many water springs do you know? The one I have used got destructed. Without water, no plants", I clarified. 

"Sure. We will get you some water", the girl of 1 assured and walked off with the boy of her district. 

The heat here out in the open was exhausting. The careers were obviously struggling, sweat running down their bodies. And you could clearly see that they were not used to starving for several days either, unlike me. 

"Can I see the seeds, please? So, I know how to treat them", I requested. 

The boy of 2 nodded toward the girl. She handed me a small bag. 

Their education on the different districts obviously had not been the best. I had no knowledge about such seeds. We had vegetable fields in district 11, but these seeds looked like grain, district 9's specialty. 

"I need some special leaves to make them grow in this area. They are not too far away from here. I can show you", I offered. 

The girl from 2 held her knife at my cheek, cutting it in the process. "Don't try anything", she threatened me. 

"You guard the cornucopia", the boy from district 2 instructed the two girls. 

Then he moved his hand intending me to show him the way to the leaves. 

That they had believed my lie showed once again their lack of knowledge. 

The boy took the bag from me. 

I stopped at a random tree. 

The boy eyed me suspiciously. "Why do you know that you need exactly these leaves?" 

"Because I know the seeds", I explained. 

I started climbing up the tree. That was my chance to escape. I could easily climb up to a spot where the branches would break under his weight. 

He was waiting on the ground for me. Probably he was not even able to climb up a tree properly. 

I could just disappear. But that would not change anything. Sooner or later I would die. The possibility was high that the careers would figure out how to treat the seeds. Then they would wait until I had starved to death, along with the two other tributes left. Another bloodbath between the careers and the games would be over. 

But I did not want to die. I had made it so far. Now I wanted to return to my family. My original family had died years ago out of starvation, but I had gotten a second chance with Rue and her family. They had supported me when everyone else had ignored me. No one wanted to look out for an orphan as everyone could barely effort their own family's survival. I had survived by stealing and taken the consequences by the peacekeepers for that. When I had met Rue while picking apples we had immediately come along. Since that day her family and I had helped each other out and grown close. Now they were not just Rue's family anymore. They were mine too. I did not want them to have to grieve over me. If I won the games they would not have to worry about hunger anymore. I could improve their lives significantly. My decision was made. 

Secretly I pulled the arrow out of my leg and jumped off of the tree, right onto the boy of district 2. 

He did not have any chance to dodge the arrow that hit his head. A cannon sound erupted. 

My hands were shaking badly as my hands were soaked in his blood. I had killed someone. He must have been more or less my age and I had killed him, without even knowing his name. 

I took a deep breath. I could not afford standing around. 

Quickly I grabbed the bag with the seeds and climbed back onto the tree, trying to ignore the blood streaming out of my leg. 

When I was up as high as possible, I rested on a branch. 

I had to take care of my bleeding before moving on. Otherwise, I would definitely die. 

I slipped out of my thin jacket that was supposed to protect me from the burning sunlight and used it to bandage my leg. Fortunately the wound was not too big, though it was pretty deep. 

I heard a voice under the tree, but the sound was muffled. 

Dizziness threatened to overpower me, but I did not dare to give up. 

I recognized the voice as the one of the district 2 girl. To my relief instead of searching for me she returned to the cornucopia. 

A few minutes later I heard two cannon sounds. Four other tributes than me left. I had turned this into an endurance game. I would have to find water though. 

Reluctantly I forced myself to get up. A few feet away I could see familiar herbs. Disinfectant herbs. 

I dragged myself over there and used them on my leg. As long as I had not lost too much blood and was able to find water I would be fine for the next days. 

The nightly hymn presaged the fallen tributes of the day: the girl of district 1and both tributes of district 2.

I managed to find a new water source by following the girl of district 4. 

Luckily my bleeding had stopped and thanks to the herbs I had not gotten an infection. 

The days passed by and I felt myself getting weaker. 

Battle cries resounded followed by two cannon sounds. Probably the two careers had fought against each other in their malnourished state. 

From time to time I saw Rue again. Maybe my mind imagined her to be here to keep me sane. 

Another cannon sound. 

At night I found out that indeed the two careers and the boy of district 7 had died. Seriously? I was up against the unknown person now? Though I did not plan to face them anyway. 

But my plans did not matter as the rulers of this shitty game seemed to get bored and decided to send a freezing cold wave over the entire forest, enveloping it in ice. The only warm spot was the open area of the cornucopia. They wanted a showdown. And I had to comply as I would not survive such cold. 

I got off of my tree nearly slipping on the frozen ground. 

When I arrived at the cornucopia I was alone. 

I searched the area to find at least a weapon, though I knew it was fruitless. I did not even have any fighting skills in the first place. 

Relief filled me when I spotted a sword. 

As I grabbed it I heard someone move behind me and quickly turned around. It was the boy from district 10. He had tried hitting me with a thick branch, but out of reflex I had parried his attack with my sword, killing him in the process. His blood tainted my body and the urge to throw up overcame me. Though I had not eaten anything in over a week. So there should not be anything left inside of me to do so. 

"Ladies and gentlemen! The victor of the 72nd Hunger Games is (f/n) (l/n) of district 11!"


Hey! I hope you like the first chapter. Sorry, but Johanna will not appear in the first two chapters, because I need some time to build up the story. But I hope you like it anyway. Please let me know!

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