Chapter 8: Charity

Start from the beginning

Stop Annika, he isn't thinking about you. You slapped him remember. 

I smile. I remember the day perfectly well. To be honest he deserved that slap. He is one of those men that think that life revolves around them when it's the complete opposite. 

Gently I make my way into the shower which was piercing cold. Cautious of my fingers, I do the necessary hygiene. When I leave the shower, I wrap myself around the towel. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was horrified. I have lost so much weight, that's because they didn't even feed me food. I would only get a bottle of water each day to keep me going. I didn't have Mitchell to sneak me some simple bread and cheese. 

Leaving the bathroom the maid had placed the dress on the mattress. How am I suppose to wear a dress with one hand?. I really didn't want to depend on anyone. 

You can do it, Annika. 

Just then the maid walks back in. "Great you showered let's get you ready." Why can't I just wear some sweatpants?

 She grabs the skimpiest outfit I have ever seen, most likely from my cousin's wardrobe. I step back. "Please don't make me wear that" she looks at me sadly. 

"Please, let me keep my modesty," she nods and goes out, coming back with another dress. This one didn't seem too bad compared to the other one. She helps me put the dress on considerately, making sure of my fingers. 

She assists, putting some numbing cream on my ankles before laying, foundation to cover the bruises and red marks left by the shackles. She went to put on makeup like Carla's but I stopped her. "Just mascara and blush," she nods. After that, she does my hair. Brushing out my soft curls and leaving them out. She finishes up by taping and bandaging my fingers together. I held my hand over my mouth to muffle my screams from the agony. When she was complete, I quickly clean my cheeks from the tears. 

We make our way downstairs as she holds my hand for support. "Are you ok to go on your own" 

"Yes, thank you," she nods. 

"He's waiting for you at the entry," I thank her again, making my way down. My uncle's sight lands on me and I look down holding my wounded hand to my chest. It's sickening. Luckily hasn't noticed my hearing aids which my hair hides away from his view.   

"What the fuck happened to the other dress," his voice lacing with venom. I can't tell him I didn't want to wear it, he would kill me for not obeying his order. 

Think Annika.

"It doesn't fit," Carla comes down. "So your that fat that you can't even fit into the dress" she laughs. Her words don't affect me because that isn't the truth. I hate some things about the world and that's one of them. The reality of what weight should be and what society demands you to look like. 

I could write a whole two thousand word essay if someone gave me the chance but I will keep it simple. 

Females are like the most beautiful, gorgeous creatures in the world. I think that we're gorgeous no matter what size we are. When you judge a woman by her appearance, it doesn't define her, it defines you. 

"Daddy why can't I come. King would want to see me" I look up shocked. King, I thought that douche bag stormed out. Ok that was mean but he called me a whore sooooo.... he earned the name himself and I don't feel guilty calling him that. 

"pumpkin, this is business," Pumpkin, I feel nauseous. 

I remember what my dad called me 'Princess,' I was his little princess. I smile at the cute memories that hold onto me with so much force that I could never forget such love that I have received. 

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