Chapt~37~:The Flower

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Ink's POV

"Wakey wakey~"

What the...
Who said that!?
And where am I...what happened..

I slowly opened my eyes and I felt someone poking my face
I looked up to see Swapdream...
Now I remember..
I quickly sat up and backed away from him

"Heh,try to escape,you'll die~" Swapdream said
"WHERE AM I!?" I asked him and glaring at him
"Oh ho ho...,just simple
You're just in my...Multiverse~
And're in your own cell" he said broomie is not here

"What are you gonna do to me!?" I asked him
"Well...since you'll be here...forever
Nightmare is mine now!
He doesn't belong to you!" He yelled
Yandere much huh

"Well,he doesn't even belong to you either!" I yelled back
He suddenly punched me on the face hard
So I fell on the floor
Ow...that fucking hurt
"You have no right to talk to me like that!" He yelled
I then stood up and about to fight back but I felt weak...
What did he do to me anyways...

'Hey Vantablack,can we switch?' I asked myself in mind

'Sorry can do...
He put a spell on us that we can't fight back' He simply said in my mind

Now damn it

"Leave us alone already!" I yelled
He just laughed
"Why would I? So you'll own Nightmare forever?
Ha! Never!" He exclaimed
I just gritted my teeth and clenched fist
"Welp...see ya later Ink~
Or should I hell" he said then walked out in the cell grinning at me

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