Chapt~7~:Betraying the deal...

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Nightmare's POV

While I was watching the MTT through the cctvs...
I was so disappointed at them that they let Ink escape..
I just sighed then stood up.
Ink doesn't really accepts my deal...I see
Or is he just betraying me? bad
Cuz it's time to show him the real punishment...
Now,I saw the MTT ran out to after Ink and to capture him once again and bring him back to the cell...
But before them...I'll go face Ink first

But before that...I need to mix his vials for a feel something

Ink's POV

I was running through the corridors and the walls in this damn and empty castle
And all so...gloomy
I don't like it
I also need my broomie but where did Nightmare hide it
Also my vials...

While I was running,I saw the exit or the infront door of this castle
Finally! The exit!
While I was almost there...
Cross suddenly teleported infront of me and blocked my way
Shit,I was almost there...
I was trying to get out of his way but he's just blocking it
"Ink! Please,u need to listen to me-" Cross half whispered but I cut him off
"Stay out of this Cross,I just need to get out of here" I blankly said,still figuring out to get rid of him for blocking my way
"Please! I'm trying to protect yo-" I cut him off again
"Protect?? Stop lying Cross,U don't know what I have been thro" I said emotionlessly then just pushed him off so I was now towards the exit door
I then pushed the door not caring if it will break cuz I was still running
Finally I'm out!

Suddenly, someone jumped and stepped on my back so I fell forwards in the ground
I turned my head to see Nightmare who was stepping on me
"You're not going anywhere~*chuckled*" he cooed
I can see on his eye and the look on his face that he was so mad and wants to kill someone right now...
I fucked up

He then stepped back and wrapped his tentacles around me so that I won't escape
He pulled me to him so we are now facing to each other
He then pulled out a rainbow vial out of his pocket and opened it that...
Oh no no no no
I don't wanna feel!
I don't wanna feel especially Nightmare's my opponent
Cuz I can now feel pain from him if I'll drink it...
"Now,drink" he demands
I closed my mouth more and never wanting to open them again,I then turned away from him
He growled
He used his tentacles instead to open my mouth
I tried my best not to open them...but now I failed
He forcedly opened them with his tentacle and making me face him again
He then poured the vial on my mouth
I'm struggling and trying my best to escape but...always failed
The vial was now empty and I accidentally swallowed them all
I can feel my fake feelings are back fake emotions...

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