Chapt~9~:The attack

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Nightmare's POV is the day...
To teach Ink and he'll be also in our side....forever I guess..
I then stood up from my king sized bed and went to the living room to see my gang already there just sitting and doing their stuffs like Killer and Horror sharpening their weapons,Cross is just staring at the wall blankly,and Dust was summoning his sharp bones and playing with them around
I took a deep breath first then sighed
"Call Ink" I commands Killer,he just nodded and teleported away

He was now back with Ink on his side
"Okay here's what to do,we go to Fellswap and simply attack" I explained
I saw Ink's eyes widened
"B-but how about our dea-" I cut him off
"But did I say u should OBEY me right?
And don't worry,we won't kill anyone~" I cooed but still glaring at him
"O-ok..." He said then looked down, staring at the floor
"I'll make the portal" I said then started making a portal to Fellswap Snowdin

We stepped in and closed the portal from behind
I looked at the gang signaling them to start
They all got separated away except for Ink who was still looking down on his feet and rubbing his arm
I turned to face him
"What are u waiting for?" I asked him,bit annoyed
"I uh...I...I...-"
"You what?
Not gonna obey me??" I growled then crossing my arms

We then suddenly heard some screaming and crying noises
Ink's eyes are just widened shocked for a bit and covering his face with his scarf
I can see he was now starting to tear up
"5" I started to countdown
He slowly looked up at me
"Wait! I-"
"I can't hurt people!"
"S-stop! I-" I cut him off again but this time he was now sobbing
"GIVE ME MY BROOMIE!" He suddenly exclaimed, freaking me out a bit
"Broomie..?" I asked confused
He looked away from me
"M-my...giant paintbrush..." He said
"There are still many ways to hurt people bonehead" I groaned
"But...that's my only weapon fight..." He trailed
"What? So if I gave it to you,you'll try to use it against us and escape from us right?
Welp.not gonna happen" I grumbled
"No,I will not,...I promise" He simply said
I was stunned by his words
He really made a promise right...?
Or just playing with me...
"You're joking right?" I said as I snickered
He just shook his head 'no'
My eye widened a bit
Is he lying right... the look on his face,he's serious
Welp...this was unexpected
"Okay..." I trailed then instantly teleported his broomie infront of him with a single snap with my fingers
He then took his broomie and teleported away
I followed his presence

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