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Nightmare's POV

After we read the book about Ink's past...
I really felt sympathy for him
The book already closed
He was still beside me but...crying
I felt stronger than before by gaining some negative feelings from him...

I just sighed then stopped gaining negative energy from him for a while
"'s okay,atleast you're free,right?" I calmly said trying to make him stop from crying
Dang...I'm bad at comforting people...
"Come on just stop crying or I'll drain all of your energy" I grumbled
Oops...I think that was a threat I made...
He's still crying (ー_ー)

I just slowly embrace him by hugging him...
He slowly stopped from crying then burried his face at my chest
I blushed a bit...
"Btw...*sniff* what happened between you and Dream?" He asked quietly, I still can hear his sobs tho
"Well..." I trailed
We then pulled away from the hug,he started wiping his tears away
"I always love my brother...and so do he
We came from -" I was cut of by Ink snorting
"S-sorry,it's just...I already know that part
But the part of the story Dream never told me was...the 'Apple Incident'..?" He said then asked
I just looked away from him
"I-its okay if u do-" I cut him off
"I understand it was none of our fault...
One day,Dream went to his 'friends' in the town
Always leaving me behind,I just stayed sitting under the tree while reading book
Later...some villagers came to steal some golden apples in our tree but I won't let that happend
I tried to fight them but failed,they smacked my head with baseball bat(?)(I dunno I forgot...) So I fell down
They cut down the tree successfully
The golden apples starting to corrupt
But there is only one left so I cut the branch then a villager took the last apple
They also cracked my right side of skull wide open.
I already killed the villagers who's willing to steal some golden apples but the others just ran away.
They dropped the last apple.
After that,Dream came seems like losing his consciousness
He took the apple from the ground then hugging it and protecting it
I pulled him then sat him down and leaned his back closer to the wood
I started shaking him if he was okay and what happend to him
After that,he suddenly smacked my left eye while yelling 'stay away!'
I was shocked tho
He then finally opened his eyes wide to see me clearly
After that,he keeps saying 'sorry',I dunno what to do that day tho
He absorbed the golden apple then started to become stone

Later...I grabbed one black apple then took a bite of it

I then formed into 'this' goopy form

The villagers came back but with their weapons
They were the one who attacked me first

Well...I killed them all
Leaving Dream behind and waited for him to turn back to normal..."[reference or credits to TheGrinningKitten,his 'Apple Incident' comicI simply told him
He blinked twice
I guess,that was too much?
"What happend to Dream after...umm...becoming back to normal...?" Ink asked confused
"Well...we fought...

Sorry that's all what I'm gonna say" I said then stood up
"Well...I'm very sad to hear that...I'm also feel sorry about your past" he muttered while looking away
I just walked away then exited the room.

Ink's POV

Rude...he just exited the room and leaving me alone U_U
Well then

I stood up and exited the room as well
While I was walking through the corridors,I accidentally bumped into someone
I looked up to see Horror,he has a wide grin on his face which was scary
I backed away for a bit but he suddenly pinned me into the wall and locking his axe near to my neck
He leaned closer to my face which gives shivers down my spine
"Hmm...I still don't trust you being with us..." He said quietly
Wait...that's just it!?
" what can I do to make you me?" I asked him,scared a bit...
He then pulled his axe away from my neck then unpinned me
"Nah...we'll just keep an eye on you,also...come with me" he said then started walking away
"Uh...okay...?" I just followed him and walked beside him
"Where are we going?" I asked him
"To the others" he simply said
"Ok..." I mumbled

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