"A good faerie must be able to listen to what nature tells them." Professor Palladium stood with his hands resting casually behind his back. He towered above the faeries, his elven heritage gifting him with lean elongated limbs. His long brown hair was left untied today, a sight Bloom hadn't seen before, and his pointed ears poked out of the strands of hair.

Bloom couldn't pull her eyes away from those ears, and what they symbolized. 

Apparently, the elves were mighty warriors. Are mighty.

For millennia, they have been the most dangerous and feared beings in the entire magical realm. It wasn't because they were savages, no, in fact, they were extremely cultured and civilized. The elves valued knowledge and the arts above all else. They were extremely wise, with the most accurate written records of spells and history, the most retained knowledge of all kingdoms and magical beings. That was what made them powerful. They did not allow outsiders into any of the ancient fae libraries- it was their most ancient and sacred code. Other magic wielders could not be trusted.

Knowledge was more dangerous than any blade.

It was on this basis alone that the Elves remained unchallenged for millennia. In all of history, the elves had only allied once.. with a mighty kingdom called Domino. Some claim it was because the elves feared an object of great power that was wielded by the kingdom. The fall of Domino had happened just decades ago, and that battle had been the only time the elves had ever intervened in another's kingdom's battle. 


In all of history.

To the elves, that war might have happened days ago. Living an average of 1,000 years, the elven lifespans are longer than all other magic wielders, one of the contributing factors to their enlightenment and retention of knowledge.

Professor Palladium looked like he couldn't be older than 25, but he spoke like he was much, much older. Bloom wouldn't be surprised if he was upwards of 300 years old. 

His features were flawless, except for a scar that extended from his cheekbone down to his jawline. The scar was barely visible from afar, and could only be seen when the sun hit his face just right. If Bloom was being completely honest, she was terrified of him. "Today's exercise is designed to put your skills to the test. Your task is to get out of Black Mud Swamp without using magic of any kind." No magic. That, Bloom could do. "I have taken us to a random spot in the vast swamp, and your task is to use your skills to get yourselves out. You will find me in a clearing in the gloomy wood forest. Listen carefully to the voice of nature. Follow its advice."

And then he was gone, vanished into wind.

"He can't be serious.." Stella said, her jaw open as she beheld the empty space he had just stood in.

"We can do this, Stella." Flora said, "Lucky for you all, I happen to be very good with nature."

"And lucky for you all," Bloom chimed in, "I happen to be very good without magic."


Back at cloud tower, Darcy carried Icy and Stormy through the fold between spaces and emerged in the witches' room.

"Free at last.." Stormy said, pulling her curls up off her neck. "I really cant stand Zarastrusses lessons."

"They bore me to sleep." Icy said. "Smart move making us invisible to skip a class, Darcy. Though the headmistress would have our heads if she found out." Icy sat down on a couch in the room and rested her elbow on the side.

Obedience was one of the primary foundations of coven hierarchy, though it was something that Icy rarely respected. Punishment was the other, and the three girls were all too familiar with it, for obvious reasons.

"Lets see if any of our pets have updates on the Red Fountain boys." Darcy strode over to the dresser by the window. A circle of salt enclosed four items: a claw, feather, tooth, and tuft of fur. Darcy swirled her hand around the items, causing them to float above the dresser, a hum of power filling the air. Darcy dropped her hand and the four pieces fell back to the wooden surface. All returned to the same place, except one, which lingered in the air.

"Looks like we have a visit to pay. Let's go, girls." Icy stood up while Stormy resumed her place beside her. The two girls grabbed Darcy's hands as she winnowed them to the forest near red fountain.

In the dark ancient woods, the girls stood in the middle of a clearing, looking around them for any sign of movement.

Darcy's ears picked up a shuffling noise, and her attention turned to the edge of the clearing. A hunched creature emerged from behind a tree, a large velvet cloak over his sickening body and covering his head. Darcy had seen the creature's face just once, and had nearly gagged at the strange shapes that sent a bout of disgust through her. She was thankful for the cloak.

The creature didn't waste any time. He faced the girls and spoke in a soft callous voice, "The troll that was retrieved by the specialists is to be transferred to Magix council today where he will stand trial and be executed for his interference on Earth."

A silence filled the air as the three witches exchanged glances. This wasn't good.

"Trolls have no loyalty." Icy said to the two witches. She crossed her arms over her chest, the blue sleeveless top she wore digging into her skin. "If they question him, he'll implicate us."

"We can't let that happen." Stormy said, clenching her fists at her side. The black sweater she wore suddenly felt too hot.

Darcy nodded. "We have to kill him." Darcy waved her hand, the sleeve of her dark blouse swaying in the wind as she did so. She summoned a cloud of purple and said to the ugly creature, "your debt to me is paid."

The dark purple mark that was wrapped around its forearm disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke, and the creature winnowed away without a second word.

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