
603 38 19

TW: Swearing, lack of control

A/N: HUUGGEEE ANNOUNCEMENT AT END OF CHAPTER (also the next chapter for Tainted Perception is also out right now!) 

 The trip to the library brought them both good and bad news. The good news was that they now had an approximate location for where to look. The bad being they couldn't find any explanation for what happened to Tubbo and Wilbur. The former not being at all surprised by the lack of information on the topic. Ranboo on the other hand, was desperate for any other explanation that wasn't certain death.


"Hey," Phil greeted, trying to bring up the mood for the very upset looking duo, the shorter having tear tracks down his face. The man decided not to mention it.

"Hi, how- how are you?" Ranboo asked awkwardly, not quite sure what to do with himself.

"I'm fine, mate." They all knew it was a lie. None of them were fine. They were all... processing, he supposed. No one seemed to know what to do with the information, who would?

"Do- do you have- did you- did you figure out where- where the place is?" Ranboo glanced at Tubbo, then back at Tommy.

"We're not sure?" Everyone held their breath. "We tried our best."

"And?" Wilbur questioned hesitantly,

"It's not far," Tubbo replied. "It's- it's in the park, actually."

"Why do I feel like there's a but?" Phil asked cautiously.

Ranboo sighed, "Because, there is." The boy swallowed thickly. "We went to the spot on the way back here, it wasn't there. It wasn't anywhere close to there, actually. We checked the entire area." Tubbo nodded, confirming the story. No one seemed to know what to say.


"Do- do you wanna check? I mean we're here, aren't we?" Ranboo asked cautiously, glancing at the brunet beside him. Tubbo hesitated, his gaze travelling over the landscape, before returning to the concerned boy.

"Sure." Neither moved, almost scared of what they would find. Finally, Ranboo took a step closer to the swings, Tubbo followed.. Nothing. How could there be nothing? The boys had double, triple, quadruple checked their math and locations. How could there be nothing? The pair tore the place apart (figuratively), looking in every nook and cranny for the thing that wasn't there.

"I- I don't understand!" the brunet cried, glancing at the taller boy with hopeless eyes. "It's- it's supposed to be here! Ranboo, it's supposed to be here, right?" The hybrid didn't know what to say. What could he say? How could he look Tubbo in the eyes and say there was nothing?

"I'm- I'm sure we can- we can figure it out," he reassured. Who he was reassuring? He wasn't quite sure. They both needed to hear it. "I'm sure there's an explanation, I mean, there has to be, right? I mean, you- you don't just get teleported from- from one dimension to another, randomly! R-right? I mean, that- that just wouldn't make sense!"

"Of- of course! Yeah! There- there has to be an explanation," Tubbo agreed, albeit half heartedly. Neither knew what to say after that. "I- I wanna go home," the boy said after a beat of silence, tears slowly trickling down his cheeks. "I just wanna go home," he repeated, the water now coming down in a steady flow, the boy not bothering to wipe it away.

The hybrid only hesitated a second before opening his arms, inviting the shaking boy into his warmth. "It's alright," Ranboo comforted, ignoring the burning sensation that came with his now wet clothes. He would deal with it later, right now, the only thing that mattered was Tubbo. "It'll be okay."


"We- we think it might be related to something with time?" Ranboo offered hesitantly. "Like- like the lunar cycle of something."

"It's a reasonable guess," Wilbur agreed, his head now tilted up, as if trying to recall something. "I think- and correct me if I'm wrong, Phil, I think it was a new moon?"

"That- that sounds about right, yeah."

"So... when's the next new moon?" Tommy questioned, glancing at the sky, which was still definitely a bright blue, the needed space rock not currently visible.

"Uhhhh," Ranboo started, pulling out his phone to check. Tubbo beat him to it.

"25 days." Everyone looked at him incredulously. "A moon cycle is 29 days, and we've been here for four," he explained, shrugging as he did so.

"He's right," Ranboo confirmed, holding up his device so they could all see the screen.

"So we're just left blindly hoping that it is, in fact the lunar cycle, and it wasn't just fucking coincidence?" Wilbur asked harshly, though it was a valid question.

"I guess?" Tubbo answered, his gaze shifting from person to person, his hand unconsciously seeking out Ranboo's. The latter gave him a comforting squeeze.

"Alright," the man agreed finally, looking defeated. "What do we do in the meantime?" There was a beat of silence, no one knowing what to say. That was, until Ranboo spoke up.

"Make memories that will last a lifetime," he stated decisively, and everyone agreed. 

The A/N is very long, but it is very important, so please read (unless you already read it in Tainted Perception, it's the same).

As most of you know, I finished Unpredictable | Wilbur Soot Angst about five months ago (March 19, 2021, crazy I know). And, this story, has blown up. It is still crazy to me that it is so successful, even still. I really do want to thank you guys, you have given me nothing but support, and have really given me the confidence I needed. And, don't worry, I'm not stopping writing, or anything like that. Quite the opposite, really. I am really close to two HUGE goals, both the 100K views mark or Unpredictable (which is insane), and 200 followers (equally insane). Now you must be thinking, how is that relevant? Well, when one of those goals is reached, doesn't matter which, I will do a second epilogue for that story! Now, I wasn't planning on this, it wasn't some huge scheme of mine, or anything. Someone actually suggested a while back that  I should do a "2 years later" sort of thing, and I thought it was cool, but I was done with the story and wasn't really planning on doing it. Then, the idea came to me, and here we are! Again, thank you guys so so much, and have a wonderful day/night!

PS: I know for a fact that some of you didn't read that, so here's a summary:

At either 100K views on Unpredictable, or 200 followers, I will do a second epilogue for the previously mentioned story, and also thank you so much for the support (next time just read the A/N, you just read a 824 word chapter)

Attached | Bee & Booजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें