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TW: None

A/N: I have been wanting to do this chapter for a while, so here it is!

 "I'm bored."

"Yeah, we know, Tubbo!" Tommy shot back.

"Yeah but I wanna do something!" he whined.

Ranboo rolled his eyes, "Okay, let's go then."


"You'll see," the hybrid said ominously, already leaving The Panic Room, and the rest were forced to scramble after him. Well, Tubbo was eager to leave, Tommy decided to go too, and Phil and Wilbur didn't trust them, so they tagged along. The trip was completed in relative silence, if you discount Tubbo asking where they were going and when they would get there once every two minutes or so. And the rude comments that Tommy threw at anyone who gawked at their near transparency (which Wilbur apologized for, which led to even more strange looks).

Ranboo wasn't entirely sure why he had decided to show them his spot, his safe space. He hadn't shown anyone before. Well, that was mostly because he didn't have anyone to show before, but that was beyond the point. He was leading them to the place he went when he was stressed, the place where he went when life was just too much to handle.

Slowing to a stop, he stood in front of the field, turning slightly to see the reactions of his... friends? Were they his friends? He had met them less than a day ago, yet this was the closest he had felt to people in a while.


"Yooooo! This is sick, man!" Tommy yelled, already racing into the flowers. Tubbo just stood and stared, it was beautiful. Hues of blue, red, pink, purple, and yellow dotted the grass, a cacophony of colors that coated the smooth landscape. It was like a scene from out of a movie. The sun rays dancing across the hills, trees littering the field to provide shade with their giant branches, swaying slightly in the breeze. It was perfect.

"Awesome, right? A voice asked, snapping the boy out of his haze.

"Yeah!" he replied enthusiastically. Sneaking a glance at Ranboo, he surveyed the landscape, trying to find a good landmark. Counting down slowly in his head, he got ready, and-

"RACE YOU TO THAT TREE!" the hybrid yelled, somehow reading Tubbo's mind and taking off towards the previously mentioned plant. Startled, the boy ran after him, though he was no match for the much taller Ranboo. Just one of the hybrid's strides was double his own.

"That's not fair," he panted, gulping in air between words.

"Aww, is it because you're so short? Little Tubbo. So cute," the hybrid teased.

"You think I'm cute?" Tubbo countered, raising an eyebrow, turning Ranboo's own words against him.

"I- I- I mean- Well- I-" Tommy, who had gotten there at some point, burst into laughter.

"Your face!" The Child yelled, pointing at the hybrid's flustered appearance.

"Were you tactical flirting with me, Big Man?" Tubbo asked, wiggling his eyebrows in an attempt to make Ranboo as uncomfortable as possible. It was definitely working as the hybrid had now buried his face in his hands. The red coating his cheeks nearly as bright as the flowers in the field.

"I hate you guys so much." His voice came out muffled through his fingers, and the duo laughed, high fiving.

"What's going on?" Wilbur asked, he and Phil finally arriving at the tree.

"Ranboo just tactical flirted with me." Tubbo said, sounding a lot like a little kid tattling to his parents. The hybrid buried his face deeper into his hands. The conversation just kinda spiraled out of control after that, with lots of incredulous looks from Phil, wildly inappropriate jokes from Tommy and Tubbo, Wilbur encouraging the chaos while keeping it reigned in, all with one seemingly common goal: embarrass a certain hybrid.

Yeah, there were his friends. 

As always thank you so so much for all the support, the votes and comments mean the world! Have a wonderful day/night!

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