Discontinued, Sorry

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Heyyyyyyy, it's been awhile *awkward laugh*

As I'm sure a lot of you suspected (or know from the title of the chapter) I will be discontinuing this story. It was started rather impulsively and I just don't have a good enough mental state to push through to the end like I did with Tainted Perception. 

This is something I knew I should have done a while ago, but I hate leaving things unfinished and I kept hoping that maybe I would randomly get a burst of inspiration, but whenever I looked at this story I just hated it. However, this does not mean I'm deleting this or anything, you guys are still allowed to like it or think it's good or whatever. I just can't finish it. 

However, I still am in the fandom and currently have a oneshot book that I'm updating "regularly", though school has started and I have a lot of homework. I also have a youtube channel with music and probably other things (linked in comments and in bio), we'll see how it goes with that endeavor lmao. 

Anyway, thank you for understanding. If any of you guys want to finish it by yourself, I have what my vague plans were in the next chapter, and if you want me to I'm willing to link your continuation here? 

Thank you for all of your support, sorry for not having an ending lmao.

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