
751 46 7

TW: Swearing

A/N: Last update until next Sunday, I'm going to camp.

 Wilbur settled down carefully, making sure that he wasn't crushing anyone's limbs as he did so. They had come to an unspoken agreement that Tubbo would get the "bed" tonight, despite all of the boy's protests. Ranboo had resolved the issue easily by literally forcing the smaller brunet into the corner, using his size to block off all of the exits. Speaking of the lanky teenager, Wilbur was worried for him. Not only did the hybrid seem very closed off, but whenever anyone got close to him, he kept them in his peripheral, as if they might hurt him.

Frowning at the thought, Will glanced at Ranboo once more, his gaze resting on the various burns and scars that littered his arms and legs. Surely they couldn't all be accidents. There was also the fact that the boy, for some reason, had an entire back-up shelter set up in case of... something.

Turning his eyes to Tubbo, he considered the out of place episode. Of course it might have just been a freak incident, caused by sleep deprivation or dehydration, but that just didn't seem right. Or maybe Wilbur's imagination was getting ahead of itself and it was actually nothing. They had definitely gone through some stressful things, and it was pretty common for people to break down long after the actual event, and with no prior symptoms. That was probably it. But what if it isn't? He shook off the thought. This wasn't the time to speculate.


Tommy woke up feeling tired and sore. The former just seeming very contradictory to the entire concept of sleeping. Sitting up gingerly, he was met by a very exhausted looking Wilbur, the bags under his eyes looking more like bruises than anything else. Throwing the man a questioning glance, the brunet just shrugged.

"Mornin'" Wilbur greeted groggily, his voice sounding deeper than normal.

"Good morning." There was a pause. "We the first ones up?"

"Yeah." Yawning, Tommy rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up more.

"I'm awake, too," a voice piped up, sounding equally tired.

"Morning', Ranboo." Wilbur acknowledged. More silence, no one seemed to know what to say. "Oh, fuck, mate, I have the worst headache in the world right now," the man complained finally.

"Yeah, probably 'cause you didn't sleep!" Tommy shot back.

"I did sleep!" he paused, "a little."

Ranboo chuckled, "If it helps at all I didn't sleep either."

"I don't think that's a good thing, Big Man," Tubbo stated, probably being woken up by all the talking.

"Hi," All three of them greeted, sounding like robots on low battery.

"That was creepy."

"Shut up, Tubbo," Tommy joked.


"Oh, don't pull this shit again-" the boy whined, about to retract his statement.

"Tommy, apolog-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Wilbur." The man raised his eyebrows expectantly. "Sorry," he muttered finally.


Phil smiled quietly as he listened to the shenanigans that was leaving three minors and Wilbur together to talk. They didn't know he was awake yet, and he was planning on keeping that true for as long as possible. He was not looking forward to Tommy complaining about various things for the rest of the day.

Shaking his head slightly at the thought, he had to give the boy some credit. He was quite responsible, more so than most adults. Sure, Tommy was chaotic as heck when it came to streams and videos, but that didn't mean he wasn't capable of being laid back. Suddenly, a sentence in the conversation happening over him caught his attention.

"Wanna wake him up?"

"NO!" he yelled, shooting into a sitting position. The group jumped, before erupting into laughter. 

Have a wonderful day/night!

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