
492 35 12

TW: None

A/N: I have not been updating lmao, sorry, school sucks

 Tommy woke up slowly, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he glanced around, gaining his bearings. It was still early, the sun barely cresting the horizon, the rain from the day previous dripping slowly from the tarp above them. Scoffing slightly, the boy sat up, resisting the urge to yawn as he stretched out, trying to shake off the stiffness of his limbs.

"G' morning," Wilbur greeted sleepily, swiping at his hair.

"Mornin'" There was a pause, the two early risers sitting in silence, watching the water drip down into the puddle below. "Feeling better?"

"Much," the man answered shortly, his fingers tracing his temples absentmindedly.

"That was fuckin' scary man," the boy admitted quietly. "Watching you fall." Wilbur glanced down, not knowing how to respond.

"I mean, I would say it won't happen again, but...." he trailed off. Tommy nodded slowly, his gaze drifting haphazardly through the space, never quite resting on a single thing.

"I hope it doesn't." He hated how small his voice sounded, how helpless the situation was. "Well, on a completely unrelated note, I need a way to get two promise rings for the lovebirds over there," Tommy stated, gesturing vaguely towards Ranboo and Tubbo. Wilbur raised his eyebrows, giving him a strange look. "What?! Michael wanted it, not me!" he protested, trying to ignore the red flushing his ears.

"Awwww, Tommmyyyy," Wilbur teased, tilting his head playfully.

"Shut up, man!" the boy remarked, whacking the man lightly. "The guy just needs some promises that are kept in his life."

The man smiled slightly, a plan already forming in his mind, "I can help you with that."


"What are you two smiling about?" Phil asked suspiciously.

"What, are we not allowed to smile now?" Tommy asked sarcastically, elbowing the man playfully.

"I know for a fact, you know what I meant."

"Do we, though?" Wilbur questioned, smiling cheekily. Phil rolled his eyes, sighing as he stood up, grabbing the bag of food.

"What do you guys want? We have...." he trailed off, looking through the options, "Crisps, a couple protein bars, uh, a bit of cereal, and an unhealthy amount of rice crispy treats, and some canned apricots."

"I call a rice crispy treat," Ranboo called, sitting up slowly, trying his best to not disturb the toddler next to him. Phil nodded, tossing the snack to the hybrid easily.

"I'll take a protein bar," Wilbur decided, before glancing at Tommy, waiting for the boy to choose.

"I'll have a bit of cereal." Phil nodded, passing the chosen items to the people in front of him, before taking a bar for himself. The quartet ate in silence, allowing the quiet to speak for itself. A couple minutes later, Tubbo joined them, leaving only Michael asleep, and no one was planning on waking him up until later. He had had a late night.


Michael woke up slowly, the sunlight blinding him as his eyes squinted open, struggling to see in the bright light. What time is it? Letting out a small yawn, the toddler made his way unsteadily towards Ranboo, settling contently in the teen's lap. The hybrid accepted this easily, wrapping his arms around the pinkett's body, bouncing his legs up and down playfully,

"You hungry?" the boy asked quietly, whispering the question into the toddler's pointed ear. Michael nodded tiredly, rubbing his eye as he pointed to the bag, making a grabbing motion with his hands. Ranboo smiled, grabbing the food easily, before pulling out a protein bar and passing it to the toddler. Michael grinned, unwrapping it eagerly, stuffing the snack into his mouth. "Slow down," the teen reminded gently, placing his hand on the boy's fingers until Michael nodded.

"Okay," the toddler agreed, letting go of some of his speed. Ranboo gave him a small smile, undoing the knots in the boy's pink hair easily.

"How do you manage to make your hair a mess every night?" the teen joked, already rebraiding.

"Hm," Michael responded sleepily.

"Are you tired?" Tubbo asked playfully, patting the hybrid's head. Michael glared at both of them, taking another bite of his bar.

"Leave me alone."


Wilbur watched contently as the makeshift family interacted, none of them quite awake yet. Leaning against one of the walls, the man pulled out his phone, snapping a photo as they all talked quietly amongst themselves. Ranboo and Tubbo having a conversation with Michael, Phil and Tommy having an intense debate about who knows what. It was just so perfect, a day so... normal. Well, if you dismiss the fact that there were two hybrids and they were in an alley. Whatever.

Smiling slightly, he tried to ignore the anxiety that was building in his stomach. What was he anxious about? He didn't know. Hence, why he was ignoring it. Grimacing at the thought, he sighed. Anxiety sucks. 

Have a wonderful day/night! 

PS: Get well, Techno! 

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