
475 40 35

TW: Panic attack, swearing, depictions of abuse, alcohol, violence

A/N: Yoooo, it's me, I'm back. Hi, take the angst.

 "So, what are we gonna do today?" Tubbo asked tiredly, yawning into his hand. Ranboo shrugged, wiping his hands on his jeans. "You are very unhelpful."

"I know." He paused, running his hand through his hair. "I've been told."

"Hey! We talked about this!" Phil yelled, tossing a stray food wrapper at him, which only drifted a few feet before the wind brought it down, the plastic skidding across the floor slowly. "No trauma jokes." The hybrid laughed, trying to hide the twinge of anxiety that came with the shout.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"I'm being serious! You need to stop putting yourself down, mate." Ranboo nodded, not listening to the lecture at all.

"We could go to the mall, or something," he offered, subconsciously patting his pockets for the little money he had.

"That would be great!" Tommy stated enthusiastically, and everyone turned to the blond, raising their eyebrows. "What?!"

"Nothin'" Wilbur replied, smirking slightly.

"What's so funny?" the boy repeated, looking confusedly between the group. No one answered him, already making their way towards the shops. "Seriously, guys! What's so funny?"

"Don't worry about it, mate" Phil assured, ruffling the blond's hair playfully, before setting off, leaving a befuddled looking teen behind him.


Ranboo held Michael close as they walked. He wasn't paranoid, per se, but he definitely wasn't going to put his faith in humanity. He had tried that before, and it hadn't gone well. Shaking his head slightly, he refocused on what the toddler was saying. Something about a bee plushie? Nodding absentmindedly, the boy found himself scanning the windows next to him, the various shops giving the street a view of their stock.

Suddenly, movement caught his eye. Freezing, time seemed to slow as the man turned, his sickeningly real face confirming Ranboo's suspicions. Taking a deep breath, the teen picked up his pace slightly, trying not to seem too desperate.

"You good, mate?" Phil asked cautiously, and the hybrid realized with a start that he couldn't breathe. Why couldn't he breathe? Frantically gulping in air, the teen sank to the ground, his eyes scrunching as he tried in vain to block the noise out. Why is it so loud?


"Get down here!" Ranboo shivered, making his way slowly down the creaky stairs, dreading what was waiting for him at the entryway. "Come on, you freak, I called you!" The boy quickly picked up his pace, wincing at the pressure on his foot.

"I'm here," he called weakly, standing awkwardly in front of the drunk man, waiting for the inevitable beating.

"I told you," his "father" slurred, "I told you to get my fuckin' dinner ready by the time I got home, didn't I?" He hadn't, but Ranboo nodded, his eyes wide with fear as the man swayed precariously, a half empty bottle in his hand. "So, where the fuck is my meal?!" The hybrid brought his arms in front of his face, bracing for the punch. It didn't come.

Instead, a burning sensation pierced through his panicked mind, the beer dripping down from his brow onto his face and torso. His hair was soaked, only making the throbbing pain in his head worse. Gagging at the smell, the boy frantically wiped at the liquid, trying desperately to get it off. All in vain, however

Thud! Suddenly, Ranboo was sprawled out of the floor, the wind knocked out of him as he struggled to his feet, his hands dragging desperately at the ground as he fought desperately to get away. Tears pricked at his eyes as kicks were thrown repeatedly into his sides, punches landing on his cheeks and nose. Why him?


"Take a deep breath, mate. It'll be okay, alright? Just take deep breaths," Phil assured, rubbing the panicking hybrid's arm calmly. "Deep breaths, mate." The group had found a small table, mostly tucked away from the bustling street beside them. The man wasn't quite sure what had tipped the boy off, maybe it was nothing in particular, rather built up anxiety that finally broke the dam. Either way, Ranboo needed someone there for him, and Phil wasn't planning on going anywhere.

"I'm- I'm alright," the boy assured finally, brushing the concerned looks off.

"Are you sure?" Tubbo asked gently, his face making it quite clear that he doubted Ranboo's statement.


Yay, I've done it. Now I have to sleep, gn! And have a good one!

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