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when u see * play the song <3


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the big buildings and the bright lights started to fade away. the cool summer night air filled the car through open windows. all while novacane by frank ocean flowed through their ears.

"where are you taking me?" (y/n) asked as she waved her hand outside the window, feeling it break through the wind pressure.

"you'll see." he said with a smirk, that was barely visible because there were no surrounding ambient lights.

"i hope you're not planning to kill me." she said with a light laugh as she continued to look out her window.

"i'm not ren from nana, you're safe for now." he said with a light laugh. "this is too thoughtful to throw away now."

as soon as suna said that, he pulled the car over on the side of the empty road.

"this is it?" (y/n) asked as she zipped up suna's hoodie that he had lent her. she opened her car door to see an empty field and a sky full of bright stars.

"yeah." suna said with a small smile as he jogged to the back of his car. "hold on, cause i gotta get the stuff out the trunk." he started to pull stuff out of the trunk and place them beside him.

" you need help?" (y/n) asked as she tried to see what he was doing.

"no it's fine, i got it already- wait can you grab the blanket in the backseat?" suna asked as he started to drag the stuff over to a spot in the field.

"sure, i gotchu." (y/n) said as she pulled the blanket from the backseat. as she began to walk over towards suna she noticed he was setting something up.

a telescope.

"can you lay the blanket out? right where you are is perfect." suna asked as he fidgeted with the astrological device. she did as she was asked and sat down as she waited for suna to finish what he was doing.

after the dark haired boy had the telescope set up the way he wanted he made sure his speaker was connected to his phone and he started playing a song.

* "you're so corny." (y/n) snorted as she allowed suna to pull her up from the ground.

"you say that now, but in a few minutes i bet you'll be in love with me." he said as he guided her towards the telescope.

"...we'll see..." (y/n) said as she bent down and looked into the telescope. suna wrapped his arms around her to help adjust what she was seeing. this action made butterflies erupt in her stomach just like the first time.

"alright, so you should be able to see one really bright star. that's called-"

"-arcturus. it's the brightest star in your favorite constellation, bootes." (y/n) finished with a smile.

"...yeah." suna smiled in surprise at the fact that she remembered that small fact. "okay, so if you look up a couple of stars, to the right, you'll see another bright star."

"yeah i can see it. it's super pretty." she gushed as suna wrapped his arms around her a bit tighter as his smile grew.

"do you know what that one's called?" suna asked as he whispered into (y/n)'s ear. the cold feeling of his breath sent a shiver down her spine, and she liked it.

"...i don't think so. what's it called?" she asked as her face started to heat up.

"it's my new favorite star...(y/n) + rintarou." suna said as the smile could be heard in his voice.

(y/n) turned away from the telescope to look at suna, but because he was holding her, their faces were closer together than expected. the (h/c) haired girl looked at the blocker with wide eyes.

"...what? didn't-you couldn't have-"

"i did, i've got the certificates in my bag right now."suna said softly as he looked at (y/n) with stars in his eyes and held onto her waist.

(y/n)'s lips twitched into a quivering smile as she felt her eyes start to burn with tears. "this...this is the nicest, sweetest, most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me, rin."

suna felt as if his heart would jump out of his chest at that moment. the way the moonlight glowed on her (s/c) skin. how the stars sparkles in her (e/c) eyes. everything about (y/n) in that moment seemed ethereal. it was all too much for his heart.

"anything for you (y/n)..." suna said as he cupped her cheeks in his hands.

everything seemed perfect in that moment. both of the teen's hearts felt like they had stopped while a funny feeling erupted in their stomachs. suna's blush was hidden by the darkness while (y/n)'s face was heating up in the boy's hands.

suna's eyes flickered between (y/n)'s eyes and her lips as he leaned in closer to her face. he leaned in slowly, closer and closer until their lips finally met completing their long awaited kiss.

their smiles could be felt as suna deepened the kiss and a euphoric feeling surged through both of their bodies. (y/n) hadn't felt butterflies like this in a long time. suna on the other hand felt like his world had been complete right there in that moment. he was kissing the girl of his dreams underneath a sky full of stars. what could be better than this?

her lips were soft and tasted like her favorite chapstick. his face was warm and the smell of his cologne was intoxicating. her hands gripped onto his forearms as her knees began to weaken.

though, as they both began to run out of breath,
(y/n) was the first to pull away, but she did so slowly and much to both of their dismay. a blissful expression was written all over her face as suna had a big goofy smile that compliment his red cheeks.

she laughed at his expression as she threw her arms around his neck while his hands found their way to her waist again.

"was it worth the wait?" (y/n) asked with a smug smile.

"it was definitely worth the wait." suna said causing (y/n) to giggle and hide her face in his chest.

"...rintarou, you are amazing." she said as she pulled him into a hug.

suna felt his ears heat up again as he hugged the girl tightly, never wanting to let go. he kissed the top of her head before resting his on it. "...that's all you
(y/n)...that's all you."



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