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naomi scoffed at her cousin's question as she sat down in her car. "what happened to 'hello!' 'how are you?' or 'good morning?' before you start berating me."

april sighed. "okay i'm sorry. good morning naomi." she gave her a cheesy smile. "now answer the question."

"yeah yeah i talked to rei yesterday." naomi said as she rolled her eyes.

"andddd? what did she say?"


"come on, pick up." naomi said to herself as she paced around her room.

"hey naomi! what's up?" rei answered into the phone with a smile.

"hey rei, i just wanted to ask you about something."


"about what happened between (y/n) and suna..."

"oh...well i told you everything i know-"

"well do you believe that (y/n) doesn't know what she did?"

"well no. i believe what my brother says because that's the only story i know. i always take rin's side."

"mhm well when i was leaving the party-"

"the pool party? awww i wish i wasn't hiding from rin so we could have hung out." rei groaned as she fell back on the couch. "but back to what you were saying!"

naomi laughed a little bit into the phone. "well when i was leaving after kai made me upset, i was in the car with april and we found (y/n) walking on the side of the road. so april picked her up and we talke and (y/n) said she didn't kiss tamaki and that tamaki kissed her."


"REI SHUT UP!" suna yelled at his sister.

"YOU SHUT UP! okay back to this newsss~ that's so good to know (y/n) isn't stupid, i like her and so does rin."

"okay so me and april have an idea to get them to talk so just don't say anything to him yet, kay?"

"you have my word! now spill your plan."


"okay cool so she's in!" april smiled as she parked her car in the school parking lot. "we'll recuperate at lunch."

naomi nodded as she got out of the car. "hey (y/n)!" the red head shouted out to (y/n) who just got out of her own car.

"hey, what's up?" (y/n) waved as her keys jingled in her hand. "i gotta be somewhere but i'll talk to you guys later." (y/n) nodded at the two girls and made her way into school.

she walked through the school then outside to the grass field. "we need to talk!" she shouted out from the bleachers.

tamaki smiled at his soccer teammates. "i'll be right back guys." he jogged over to the fence that separated the bleachers from the field and leaned up against it. "what's up?"

(y/n) took a deep breath in. "...i don't wanna be associated with you anymore tamaki." (y/n) said as she gripped onto her backpack straps.

"...what?" tamaki said in a shocked tone. he wasn't expecting her to say that. he was thinking more along the lines of: "i wanna get back together!" or "i miss you." but he got the worst possible scenario...rejection.

"i-i don't know how you did it or if you worked with someone, but i know you set me up." she said sternly. "and the way you still remember my lunch rituals is scary, but that's besides the point. you're a bad person and manipulative, tamaki."

"you don't-you don't know what you're talking about. whatever emi told you is fake i'd never do something like that to you-"

"i never mentioned emi..." (y/n) watched as the boy's face dropped. "she was apart of this? i should have know, this is ridiculous!" she said as she started to walk away.

"wait- (y/n)!-"

"what? what could you possibly have to say. you ruined a relationship with one of my favorite-one of the people i love. put me back into my state where i was rarely sober and would never think of leaving you...you wanted me back the way i was so you could have me tamaki. you tried to put me back at my worst point in life for yourself-"

"i did it because i love you-"

"oh my god shut up with that shit. spare me with the movie dramatics! you're a fucking loser."

and as (y/n) left the field that was the true end of her and tamaki...

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