3 ||Challenge Me, I dare you Part 2

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Kailani's POV


We were sitting watching McKenzie from Elite go. She was battling another Elite memeber, Shantel. She was a great dancer and now it was time to see Shantel.

At the end of the day Shantel was the better dancer.

Another Elite member was on our team and I prayed it was the last. Then Jenn's name was pulled out and she pulled Chloe's name.

Jen was really good. She did two aerial's in a row and did a lot of tricking. Chloe's going to have to pull out her best skills to beat her.

As Chloe started dancing she pulled out an aerial. Unlike Abi she at least had one acro skill.

Eldon and I were talking how we didn't want Chloe to go. She helped A-Troupe win Regionals, and Nationals.

Chloe was performing a strong solo, people see her as the soft ballet member but she was absolutely killing it.

"CHLOEEEEE" We all yelled in response to Ms. Kate's question.

It was now Nick vs Thalia. Nick did a huge layout and it's sad to say but Thalia cannot do a layout.

"Go on Thalia!" I yelled as she stepped up.

Thalia has many upper hands, she is very flexible, great emotions, can tell a story, has a lot of floor work, is just an overall great dancer.

I was going to vote for her no matter what, I've seen Thalia dance. She's going to annihilate Nick.

"So who is it?" Ms. Kate asked when Thalia finished. "Thalia." We all said and again some Elite. "No way!" Lucien said as he only had 4 people. Three really but since Michelle has to leave he made him count as his point.

"Tess" Thalia read from the small strip of paper. "Amanda."


Noah's POV


After the the final battle of Giselle and Daniel, here was our final A-Troupe Internationals team.

Me (Noah)

Even though I didn't hang around Giselle alot Kailani did, due to her coming over when e-girls was a thing.

Giselle has never performed better, I think everyone performed their best, better than anyone has ever seen. Especially Kai.

We were all doing the first combined dance with the three elite members.

We didn't really like each other but since we were dancers you couldn't really tell, it was after the dance was done you could tell.

After it was done we all split into three groups, the main A-Troupe, Elite members, and Kai and I.

I don't exactly know how to label ourselves as we don't fit in yet. Well Kai, she fits in a bit knowing all these people since forever due to her sisters.

But me, not a bit. They still think I'm a young small J-Trouper. Usually Kai would go sit with her sisters but after the first dance Riley left for her orthodontist appointment.

Kai told me that Riley is getting her braces out, James went with her, and she is super excited.

We got up again after Phoebe called us and started teaching us choreography. It was horrible. Not the choreo, the group.

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