C.H.A.P.T.E.R. 2

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I was in a ship and there were so many people. I saw few of my old friends and suddenly saw the same guy who was coming in my dreams these days. I went to him and said "How will we get out of here?" "I will help you to get out of here." He said while looking towards me.

Suddenly everyone started running I asked them and they started yelling "He is coming." 

"Run" That guy said and holded my hand and we started running and went into a room where few other people were also there.

"Stay with other people. I will be back" He said and went outside. I noticed that few of my old friends are also here so I started talking to them.

After a while we saw some people were going to other rooms and were torturing other people. I was scared so I asked one of my friend to run away from here but she denied as she said we don't have any other place to go. We have to hide here.

Suddenly one of them came into our room and started torturing one of my friend. I went there to stop them but they pushed me away and were going to tie me but there was a sudden break in ship and we all got to know Its an earthquake so everything started shaking and I ran away from there with my friends.

I was running downstairs when I bumped into that guy and started crying. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?" He said while looking into my eyes. I told him everything and he hugged me. "I won't leave you alone now. Sorry" He said while we were still hugging.

I broke the hug and said "I want to get out of here." "We will. I have planned everything." He said while It started raining.

Suddenly I woke up and realized that Its a dream. "One more weird dream." I yelled and went downstairs.

"Sun Gyung" I called him but he didn't replied. I noticed that he isn't at home. I was feeling hungry so I thought to make some Rameyeon. But there was nothing in fridge. It was empty.

I called Lee Hyun but he didn't picked up my call. I called Dong Kyung and she picked up.

"Annyeonghaseyo" I said.

"Are you okay? Do you need something?" She said while being worried about me.

"Aniii I was hungry and Sun Gyung is not at home and I called Lee Hyun but he didn't picked up my call." I said.

"I will bring something to eat." She said.

"Tell Lee Hyun to come. We all can eat together." I said.

"Okay." She said and disconnected the call.

I was wondering about what I dreamt earlier and that guy who is coming in my dreams. Suddenly Doorbell rang.

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