ℑ𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔡𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔫𝔤 ℜ𝔬𝔰𝔢𝔱𝔱𝔞

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It was now Monday, and when you opened up the dark doors into the school you instantly smelt the flower perfume scent of the creaky building. When you got to your locker you noticed that Alex was there with Epiphany. You tensed up slightly but tried to loosen up. She turned around and smiled to you, embracing your body in a hug.
"Hey Scarlett! How was your weekend?" She smiled.
A) "Eh..."
B) "It was good!"

A) She looked at you with a confused expression. Alex was still silently standing behind her.
"Oh, how come "eh"? You know if you're having a bad weekend you can always call on me!" She cheered pulling up her phone. You smiled.
"Thanks, I will." You say and start to open up your locker.
B) "That's great! You know though... if you're ever bored on the weekends you can hit me up, okay?" She said smiling and pointing to her phone. You laughed lightly.
"Okay, I will." You said and started to open up your locker.

"So, how was your weekend?" You ask her as you pull out your binders.
"Oh it was great! I hung out with Alex actually!" She pointed to him and you looked up.
He gave a small wave to you.
"Hi Scarlett." He smiled.
"Hi." You say back.
"We went on a nature walk. There wasn't many people there but there sure were many beautiful animals and pretty birds!" She explained. Wasn't many people there.... You repeated in your head. You observed your friends body, making sure you didn't see any wounds or bites. She was clear from what you could see.
"W-whoa! That sounds so fun!" You exclaim.
"Yeah, next time we'll definitely bring you along!" She smiled and looked up to Alex. You noticed the pure admiration in her eyes when she looked at him. Man... you think to yourself.
"Well, I'll be off to class now, okay!" You say and wave goodbye, making your way to the third floor. When you walked in you saw a few empty desks and choose one that had an empty seat next to it. You wished that Rosetta was here so you could talk to her. Almost as if she heard your silent plea, she walked into the class swiftly with two other people, her friends Serenity and Casper. She said her goodbyes to them and joined the desk next to you.
"Hey." She smiled, fixing her flowy dress.
"Heyyy." You dragged out.
"So what's up?" She asked.
"Nothing much.... Hey, can I ask you a question?" You ask her, looking into her sharp and beautiful eyes.
"Yeah sure." She responded.
"Do Vampires... fall in love?" You ask timidly feeling kinda embarrassed. She smiled at you.
"Yeah we can! Or else how would I be here?" She pointed to herself laughing.
"Oh I guess so. I don't know sorry I asked a dumb question." You apologize.
"No it's cool! I get why you'd be mixed up. Even though we count as dead, we still have feelings. Half-bloods are half human so we feel things that humans can. Full-bloods most of the time have memories of being human, and even if they don't they still feel emotions." She explained twirling her hair with her finger. You thought about Alex.
A) "Then there is hope...!" You exclaim mostly to yourself.
B) "I see..." You say mostly to yourself.

A) She looks at you confused. "Hope for what?" She questions.
B) "What? Are you keeping Vampire data in your mind these days? Connecting the dots?" She questions.

"Oh uh, actually.... Ahahahaha..." You laugh awkwardly and she watches you silently.
"Well it's my friend I told you about... That guy she likes, I just wasn't sure if he could even like her back..." You trail off. The windows in the classroom are open a bit and a burst of wind blows your clothes and hair around. The birds tweeting in the distance.
"Oh, I see..." She says in a soft voice.
"So I guess that he can like her back." You said.
"Yeah, he can and I hope he does. I don't want your friend getting hurt either." She mentions and in that moment you admire her for her pure heart.
"You know, how 'bout I introduce her to you?" You suggest.
"Sure! I like meeting new people." She smiles and turns to face the front of the room when the teacher comes in.
You realize that today is the day when you have a French class. As you wave goodbye to Rosetta you start to nervously make your way to your next subject. You push open the doors and see that about half of the class is already there, including Alex. His messy brown hair and sharp looks appealing in the way a Vampire is supposed to look. Just remember that his looks are his bait for victims... You think to yourself. You go to sit down at your desk a few rows up and you get yourself ready for class. When you were finished you couldn't help but watch Alex a bit. He was sitting in the first row, chatting with a few other boys and a girl here and there. His silver lip stud and schoolboy look popping out to you. Mme. Laurent walked in and suddenly you remembered the vote. After she did attendance and calmed you she started talking.
"Nous allons faire un vote de classe. Levez la main si vous souhaitez participer au concours." (We're going to do a class vote. Raise your hand if you would like to do the contest.) Concours was like competitive speeches in French.
A) Raised your hand.
B) Didn't raise your hand.

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