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It was Tuesday, 1:46 pm, you were sitting outside in the courtyard on a smooth concrete bench, Rosetta at your feet, Duke and Angelina standing behind you leaning against a tree, and Alex sitting on the ground holding his legs next to Rosetta. Epiphany was standing in front of you guys, getting ready to explain everything she learned from her father yesterday. The autumn leaves flew and brushed past her feet, making a light scratchy noise. You observed her hair blow in the wind.
"Alright guys... it's a long one, I do warn you." She said.
"And we're all here for it." Rosetta smiled. Epiphany smiled back, grabbing a chair to rest on.
"Well, for starters, my father was shocked to see me out of school. He was even more shocked when I told him what I knew." She said and sat down.
"Apparently... eleven years ago I went into a coma." She said. Your mouth dropped open.
"For... two years..." She said. Two... years... You repeated in your mind, utterly shocked.
"Two years?" You and Rosetta said at the same time. Duke and Angelina didn't seem too surprised, like things like this was normal for them to hear.
"Yeah... And I was... 24 when it happened. Which means... I am thirty-five years old of age today." She said, looking down embarrassed. You couldn't believe your ears.
"Hey, you don't look any older than 18!" Duke smiled.
"You know, he's right." Angelina said. Epiphany looked up blushing.
"You really think so?..." She questioned.
"Mmhmm." Everyone agreed.
"Hey, I seriously thought you were 16! I would've never suspected!" You say.
"Ahaha... thank you everyone." She smiled lightly.
"Now, I'll go back to the start. I was born in 1986, and actually... your suspicions were right..." She trailed off and looked You in the eyes.
"I am a vampire." She said.
"Wow seriously?" Everyone murmured.
"I was born from a vampire and a human... My mother the vampire. However... when I was three she vanished... my father took two years to remarry, and his new wife was a human. He and my mother, at least the only one I knew as a mother raised me as a human... and since I am a half-blood, I was still able to do and slightly enjoy human things like eating and drinking..." She explained and you listened closely.
"So I never actually knew that I was a Vampire..." She said. The trees shock in the wind and she didn't shiver at all, and now you knew why she wouldn't catch a cold so easily.
"Apparently I had rough teenage years, and I got pregnant from one of my boyfriends. That was when I gave birth to Alex at the young age of eighteen..." She looked up to him and smiled, but then she looked down and frowned.
"This is where the situation blurs and gets complicated. My parents, knowing that my child was also a half-blood had to do something about it. I was sheltered from the existence of vampires... and Alex was bound to bite either me or other beings. They didn't want me finding out or getting hurt, so they sent him to a vampire foster care group home. We never knew who took him in." She said still looking at Alex.
"They covered it up and told me it was because of my age that they sent him away. I was devastated and depressed. My parents started to feel horrible for my situation, and apparently they were searching for Alex for a full year. They finally got in touch with Alex's guardian. She told them that he's not completely under control yet, so she would call on the day that they thought would work out." She explained. Everyone was silent, wrapped into Epiphany's past as if they were there themselves. You couldn't believe what was hidden behind her smile and cheerfulness, not even something she knew herself.
"The day came when I was twenty-four. Apparently I cried for the entire morning before we left because I was so excited to see my baby. I was worried what he'd think about me, that I was a horrible mother, and a horrible person in general. We drove out to more of a cabin than a house it seemed. On the edge of the city, brushing the country side. It was surrounded with trees. My father told me how worried he was, but he parked down the driveway, giving me my moment. Now here is where you come in, Alex and Angelina. My father wasn't there to see what happened... so what exactly did happen?" She asked quietly looking at them. Alex spoke first.
"Ah... I still remember it pretty clearly..." He said.
"Well my guardian, she told me all about it. I wasn't scared or upset at all. I was just really excited to meet you. My mum had tapped my shoulder, pointing out the window saying, "her she is." I looked out and saw you. Except you didn't look this way at all. You had grey pantyhose on, a long and loose black gothic dress that went just to your knees, and your hair was long and slightly wavy, you still had bangs but your hair was light brown." As he was describing it Epiphany had a big closed-mouth smile and you tried picturing her look the way Alex described.
"I ran out the door, and stood there and stared at you, you were smiling and I shouted, "Mom!" That's when I suddenly felt a pinching in my neck and my knees gave out. I kind of remember this but I'm not sure if it actually happened. I heard you call, "Alex!" So loud that it hurt. I don't know if I'm just dreaming that part.... Angelina." He looked up to her. Epiphany was silent, face resting on her knees.
"Well, a blonde woman and a brunette man were there too. I was bitten by the man myself, and the lady was his partner. I faintly remember that she really got you good. Then I guess your father heard screams and commotions because he came running, and Alex's guardian came running too, then shoed us away." She explained. Epiphany was silent for a moment.
"...wow..." She said.
"It's crazy... I hardly can remember this... I only see ghosts of the first time seeing Alex in years... but I don't remember the attack..." She said. Suddenly she flipped her head over and parted her hair, showing scars.
"The surgery scars..." She said. Everyone was speechless.
"So yeah... I went into a two year coma and when I came out I wasn't myself. My father and mother explain that they were shocked to see my memory was damaged, although the doctor warned that it happens. It was a fresh new start. I became practically the polar opposite of myself. My clothes, personality, style and likes." She pointed to her bright poppy clothes and hair. You laughed lightly.
"They showed me my pictures, and wow. I could hardly believe it was me." She laughed out quietly.
"The only thing that was the same was my face... and even then, it hardly looked like mine. Younger of course, but also sadder. I wore darker makeup." She described.
"So, I spent eight years after the coma like I was a teenager. I really wanted to go to school, and Vampires have their physical appearance stop changing at the age of twenty five. So I still looked young. I went to grade nine somewhere else, but I didn't like it there, and my friends were leaving it as well. I didn't redo middle school, just grade nine. So I showed interest in this school. My parents weren't aware to the fact that it's a vampire school, or else I'm certain they wouldn't send me here; but I'm so happy they did... I obviously found Alex, a miracle dressed as a coincidence. But I guess it was fate, huh?" She looked up and smiled.
"Awww." Rosetta said.
You say...
A) "Wow, it really is fate." You smile at her.
B) "You're the unluckiest but luckiest person I know." You give a small laugh, smiling.

A) "Isn't it?" She said.
B) "Hahahaha! Yeah, I guess so." She smiled with her eyes closed.
"So, how do you feel, now that the truth is revealed?" Duke asked smiling, arms crossed.
The wind blew her short haircut up and around, and she smiled.
"I feel, kinda free." She smiled and twisted off her chair.
"Let's go guys!" She waved everyone over. You all got up and followed her, feeling happy and intrigued with your best friends life.
"It's great that November was there to stop us, otherwise, who knows what would've happened." Angelina said to Alex, but everyone heard. Epiphany stopped and turned around.
"November... that's my birth mothers name..." She was silent for a moment and a smile made its way to her face.
"Looks like you have one more stop before you find out the whole story." Rosetta smiled and she linked her arm with yours and Epiphany grabbed your hand and you three took off. You ran through the Hemo Academy fields with Alex, Duke and Angelina behind you, all smiling in the windy sun. I guess I never was friends with any humans, huh?

𝕳𝖊𝖒𝖔 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝕰𝖓𝖉

𝕳𝖊𝖒𝖔 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora