Race Against Time

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"Kirishima. I'd like you to use your quirk to break right here please."

"You got it." Kirishima hardened his fist and pulled his arm back preparing to attack. "RED TURRET!" He broke the wall apart to show a connecting line into the corridors again. "WE'RE FREE!"

"We must hurry." Ryukyu motioned the police through the hole with Inasa and Kirishima joining. As they did however, an eye from above watched them to prepare for another attack.

With Momo and Jirou

"You ok?" Jirou glanced at Momo as she tried to stop the bleeding herself.

"Nngh! Yeah. I don't think I'll be much use though to you. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." The earphone jack quirk user looked around trying to find the gunner in the darkness. 'This sucks. I can't even see so we'll down here. Not only that, but I can't get that far away from Momo if this guy tries to shoot her again.' Jirou looked to her back seeing something Izuku gave her before the they left for the raid wrapped up.

'If you find yourself in a situation where you need to do both survey the area and fight. Use this and the quirk I'm about to give you in a way to help." Izuku's words echoed in her head while thinking of what to do.

'I guess it's a good a time as any to see what Midoriya gave me.' She unwrapped the object to see for some reason an electric guitar with what looked like a built in amp in the back and a few pairs of noise canceling headphones. "Midoriya, I like your style."

Nemoto aimed his gun at the back of Momo's head with a smirk forming. 'I'll end this quickly and take down the other girl while disabling her own quirk.' His finger was positioned on the trigger ready to fire. 'Goodby you nuisances-' Nemoto was cut off by the sound of a guitar rift piercing his ears. "AAAHHHHH!!!! WHAT HIS THIS HORRID SOUND!?"

Kyoka began strumming the guitar she was given by Izuku with the quirk she had activating and sending shockwaves out of her. 

Added quirk: Shockwave! Any sound made with this quirk active acts as an electromagnetic pulse to all that hear it. It works better the closer you are to the sound! Downside is, the user is affected as well.

"Kyoka! I feel like my body's vibrating everywhere! I don't know how long I can do this for!" Momo held the headphones over her ears with them feeling as if they were ready to pop off.

"Just hold out a little longer! I need to make sure this guy is down!"

With Compress and Aizawa

Compress tried to get close enough to Chrono to try and stop him from fighting with his quirk, however he was met with constant attacks each time to push the overcoat vigilante away. 'If only I can get near him, I could-'  "Woah there!" Compress narrowly misses getting an arrow to his side with getting a notable distance.

"You're quite fast on your feet. However, I won't let you go any farther." Aizawa began to move again to get another arrow piercing his side.


"Don't think I have forgotten about your quirk Eraser. As long as you aren't part of this, I can stop this before a problem arises-" A bullet flew by Chrono for him to escape his train of thought. Looking back at Compress, he noticed him holding an air assault gun. "Trying to take me down with a toy are we?"

"Oh, this is more than just a mere toy." He shot another round for Chrono to dodge it. However, when next to him, the small pistol turned into an old dishwasher that nearly hit the villain. "Before this raid, I had asked Jin if he could take me to the junkyard he had worked at. I virtually cleaned the place out of all the large objects and mixed the compressed marbles in with these air assault balls. Even I don't know which are which. For all I know, all of them could be from the junkyard with each being something I have no idea about." He pulled a second one out of his overcoat and held it at Chrono. "Now, the show can truly begin."

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