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(Hello,so actually I have finished this story and well I'm just warning you that the story is Kind of cringe and weird,but I'm not deleting it because it has like 22k reads...please don't hate,I myself know it's bad written🦸🏼)

I was standing behind a counter,smiling at every customer enter and leave.Suddenly the door bursted open,a boy with lavender colored hair holding a Teddy entered the small Café.I smiled at the boy, "Good morning sir!"I chirped,smiling at the boy.He didn't return the smile nor say Hello."Id like all the pastries."He stated,glaring at me."Oh um..are you Sure..Thats al-".
"I said give me all the pastries you stupid mortal."he hissed,tightening his grip around his Teddy.I sighed and nodded,I gently placed all the pastries in a paper bag.It was ALOT of bags."I can help you carry those."I suggested, "hmm..sure."he replied."Okay one second..I'll tell me boss and I'll be right back!"I said.

"Okay let's go!"I said,picking up a few of the paper bags."Take all of them!"He demanded,I turned around and stared him in the eyes."Stop being so ungrateful!Im helping you using my time."I stated.

"So..when are we there?"I asked." 5 more minutes."he replied.
We finally stopped after a time,we stopped at a huge mansion."Wow..this place is huge."I mumbled.We walked over to the entrance of the Mansion,I placed the bags on the floor."Bye,have a nice day!"I said,smiling and waving at the boy."Bye."he simply replied.

I walked back to the Café,it didn't take to long tho.

After finishing my shift I walked back home and started cooking dinner for my small sister and me.
I made some instant ramen since I still had a lot of homework to do.I put a small amount of ramen in the bowl of my sister and a bigger amount of ramen in my bowl."Himari come eat!"I yelled,pouring some water in two glasses.My small sister sat down and started eating her ramen."Rin..Do you think we could do something fun tomorrow?"Himari asked me."I'm sorry Himari..I have to work tomorrow and I have to look for a new school for me."I stated,sadly smiling at her."But why?"She asked."Well..I was hoping to find a night school or something,since I have to work in the day!"I replied."Oh..maybe we can do something on the weekend!"Himari suggested,proudly smiling at me."That's a great idea!"I said.

I was sitting on my bed,looking for a new school I could join.I went on several websites.After searching around for a while I found a night school called "Ryoutei High School Academy".

I did everything to get in that night school,now I just had to wait.I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

I woke up the next morning from my annoying alarm,I groaned as I walked out my bedroom.I then went in my sisters room."Wake up Himari!"I whispered,opening her blinds.She also groaned and rolled out her bed wich made a 𝑡ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑝 sound.I then walked back in my room and put on my school uniform,did my skin care and brushed my teeth.When I was done I started to do a simple breakfast,eggs and some bread.I put the food on two plates and gave one of the plates my sister.She swallowed the food down in seconds and then ran out the house so she could be early to school.

When I arrived at School I went over some notes since we wrote a Test right at the beginning of the day.

When it was lunch I got a notification on my phone,it said that I got accepted to Ryoutei High School Academy.I wanted to scream of happiness but I didn't since I didn't want to seems weird but I only had a few days left at this school anyway.

Sweet n Motherly (diabolik lovers x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant