5 | UA Just Can't Be Normal

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"Yo, there's still two hours until school starts." Isamu groaned from Izuku's bed.

"Sorry! I was just excited! Today I have my first heroics class!! It will be my first step to-" Izuku stops himself when he notices the other spirits' exasperation. "Okay, okay, my first step was ages ago, but still it will be another major step closer to my goal. I can't wait to find out what UA's lessons are like, firsthand!"

Isamu was splayed out in a starfish shape on the floor, facing the ceiling. "Yo, same, can't wait to haunt some students!"

"Oi, Isamu, you can't just straight up haunt them!" Yasushi snorted.

Kenji stated, "Yeah! You gotta ease into it!"

"Yoooo! Trueee!" Isamu rolled onto his side.

Aki hummed, "I believe we should plan out the victim list."

Kenji and Yasushi nodded, while Riku and Isamu grabbed paper and pencils. Even Nana and Emi seemed interested.

Speaking of Emi... "Hey, Emi, I heard you talking about flowers last night, do you wanna get more after school today? Sorry, we don't have many plants here."

She waved it off, "It's ok dear. Flowers tend to remind me of a special gift I received a long time ago... I lost one of the most important people of my life on my 36th birthday... a friend of mine blamed themselves for the matter."

Emi furrowed her eyebrows as though she blamed herself more than anyone else.

"Back then quirks were much simpler, so they were much more compatible with other quirks. My friend had a quirk that, when used alongside mine—low-level water manipulation—created an ice-like rose. But it didn't look like ice. It didn't look natural either though. It was different...unique...in so many ways. They gave it to me, in hopes that 'it would one day help me'... I can't help but miss it... It was mine and yet I never managed to find out what the flower was actually meant for..."

Emi laughed it off, "I guess that's why I've been looking at flowers like a weirdo."

It was clear Emi missed this flower and even Izuku was curious about the flower's secret.

It flashed through Izuku's mind- the Museum's quirked relics auction.

He snatched his phone and quickly began searching about the museum.

"Yo! You good there? Izuku?"

Izuku had to bite back a smile, the auction is after school today.

He and the spirits would love to see Emi light up like that again. They should-

"-id, kid, hey kid!" Kenji waved a hand in front of Izuku's face.

The boy blinked, "Oh, yeah what?"

"Oh, we were just wondering if we're able to spook your friends as well?"

"Uhhh, sure but don't overdo it." Izuku raised an eyebrow, "Who's the first victim?"

The spirits all cackled .

"Yo, isn't it obvious?" Izuku shakes his head. "Mr Hobo Man!"


Isamu gives a dramatic sigh, noticing Izuku's confusion, "Your homeroom teacher."





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