13 | Sir Hog Knucklehead the Tenth

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"Midoriya, have you begun preparing for the Sports Fe-" Iida was abruptly cut off at the noise of Uraraka slamming her food tray onto their table. Izuku turned to his right to watch Iida raise his glasses and move his arm to a perfect 90 degrees, "Uraraka! As UA students we are expected to place our trays-"

"Guess what!" Uraraka's hair bobbed along with her in eagerness as she continued, completely ignoring the class president's cry of 'Interrupting people is not approved of from a hero in training!' , "It apparently was ghosts that attacked Present Mic yesterday!"

Yasushi concluded with a slow nod of his head. "Ah so we've hit the big streets."

"Word travels rather fast around here." Emi hummed as she glanced around at the numerous students scattered everywhere. Many students were discussing their preparations for the sports festival. They need to get Izuku prepared ASAP.

Aki stopped playing with Emi's hair to smirk, "Only expected from One For All users."

"Wait what?!" Kaminari slammed his food tray down at the opposite end of the long table, eyes focused on Uraraka, completely ignoring Iida's remark:"Kaminari! You should not put your tray down with such force! It is disrespectful to-"

"Yeah, kero. Apparently Sensei's second years were witnesses." Tsuyu appeared from behind Uraraka with her own tray.

Riku nodded. "Memorable moment." Nana huffed an air of amusement in agreement.

The noise of another food tray slamming on the other end of their table made everyone look to Izuku's left once more to see Kirishima standing by Kaminari, "No way bro! I thought it was just a rumour!"

Iida couldn't get a word out before Sero appeared with his tray, "I've been hearing loads of students talking about how the ghosts have been haunting the UA staff!"

"You heard that right! We're famous!" Isamu made jazz hands excitedly. The other past wielders chuckled at that.

"Probably because of Aizawa's expulsion rate." Kirishima suggested.

Sero paused and thought for a moment, "But he didn't expel anyone in our class?"

"Not with ours, but apparently for past years." Izuku added in, recalling what Riku had told him.

"Kero, I heard Aizawa Sensei expelled his entire class last year."

"No way!" Sero dropped his tray onto the table in surprise. "I can't believe-"

Iida cuts through Sero with eyes of steel, "You know what I can not believe? That you all will not sit down respectively. It is unbecoming of us all. So please, everyone, sit down. And no more slamming food trays."

Everyone silently took their seats. Uraraka and Tsuyu choosing to sit opposite Izuku and Iida who sighed contentedly. "Much better. Now what were you saying about ghosts Ura-"


Katsuki brought his food tray down with one hand, his other creating small explosions, "Shitty hair, why the hell are we sitting here again!?"

Iida funneled all his strength into his feet and croaked, "I will be back, excuse me."

"What's up with four eyes." Katsuki grunted as he took the seat diagonally opposite Izuku once more.

Kirishima sent a guilty look to their class president's back, "Well, uh let's just not slam our food trays anymore. But we had been talking about what happened with Present Mic."

Uraraka leaned in closer, "Apparently, Present Mic had been teaching only to be interrupted by his glasses, which began floating. And then multiple pieces of chalk started writing messages to Present Mic! And apparently some messages were for Aizawa Sensei as well! Oh, oh! And the student's essays began flying around the room!"

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