The only thing from my old life that I miss is Caleb. God, I miss him so much. I miss his hugs and the way he would always make me laugh, that kind of laugh where no sound is coming out and your stomach hurts. I miss that a lot. Maybe I could ask Harry if I could send him a message to tell him that I'm okay and he doesn't need to worry.

The sound of a door creaking open downstairs tears me from my thoughts, turning my head to the bedroom door that is open. Harry must be home...

I start walking towards the door when I hear a hushed voice downstairs. Sounds like there's two people, who's with Harry?

I walk as quietly as I can and lean my head towards the corridor without leaving the threshold of the bedroom, trying to listen in to see who Harry is with.

"Are you sure this is Styles' house?"

"Yes, that's was Morgan said..."

It's not Harry.

Someone's broken in.

Harry isn't here.

What the fuck do I do?

My eyes widen as my heart starts to thrash in my chest at the realisation of the situation. I need to hide; I don't know why these men are here but it can't be good if they had to break in.

I tip toe towards the closet to hide in and realise that I've left the shower on. I hear the stairs creak; they are almost upstairs. In a split decision, I decide to leave the shower and climb into the closet, closing the door softly behind me, leaving a small crack for me to see out since it doesn't close properly.

As soon as I shut the door, I catch the sound of whispers between the two men. They are in the bedroom now. I hold my hands over my mouth to try and quieten the sound of my heavy breathing.

 I hold my hands over my mouth to try and quieten the sound of my heavy breathing

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"The showers on, he must be in there." One of the voices whisper. They must think Harry is in there.

I see the figure of one of the men stalk towards the bathroom, rushing in and pointing his gun in the direction of the shower. He has a gun, this isn't good.

"He's not in here." The man in the bathroom says at a normal tone, dropping his gun to his side.

"Well why is the shower on then?" The man that isn't in my field of vision asks, sounding confused.

The man in the bathroom stares in the direction that I'm assuming is where the other man is standing, with a confused look. He nods his head after a few moments of silence, starting to walk out of the bathroom, why did he nod his head? They start talking in hushed tones for a few seconds until silence...

I listen closely for a couple of seconds, nothing. I think they've left.

I let out a sigh of relief.

The closet door gets ripped open, causing me to flinch away.

"And what have we got here, ay?"

"This must be that little bitch Alexis? Or was it Alexia?"

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