🌍The world🌍

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The Aires liked to think of them selves as the confident leaders of the Fire signs. They're him was nearer to the top of the volcano. They referred to themselves as the fires spark. They're clan was made up of platforms with houses and shops built into the cliff side. They provided the fire for the Scorpios. That's right, the fire, the flames. The very thing that lit up their homes and cooked their meals. Being the leader of the Fire signs, this meant that they had that power. Their strong leader was Harriet. Her blonde curly hair gleamed in the volcano. Her short stature was not to be remarked. She was beautiful and brave and everything a leader could be. Her two fathers had raised her in a way to never defy the higher authority. Meaning the Aires where are allies to the Scorpios. But no other fire signs dare defy them, as they knew it would end only badly.

To the north where the air signs, Aquarius♒️, Gemini♊️ and Libra♎️. They called this habitat, the Breezes. This environment always had a cool breeze that smelt of a warm evening.

The Aquarius were the people who began the idea of the Scorpio take down. They had never liked their authority. They are all rebels at heart and had attempted on multiple occasions to storm the Scorpio kingdom. They had failed clearly, and as a result had lost a lot of the people. But they remained strong. They where known for their high and offbeat fashion. They wore bright colours and they're clothes where out there but practical. They're leader was the non-binary, Sam. They had sliver hair cut into shoulder length messy hair. They had sparkling purple eyes that where envied by everyone. They wore black and sliver suits with sometimes the splash of colours, that had the appearance of strong armour. The people of their clan loved them. They continued to plan new ways to attack every day.

The Geminis were extroverted, joyful people who bring fun to whatever room they are in. They're kingdom was made up of large huts that were painted a light white. They provided the creative ideas for the architecture in the Scorpios Kingdom. They're beloved rulers where the twins Ajax and Anya. Ajax had black hair that was fluffy. His baby blue eyes sparkled in the sun. He was tall and had light yet sun kissed skin dotted with freckles. As was Anya. Her long black hair was tied in a neat pony tail. Her dark blue eyes stood out on her same sun kissed skin. They both wore sliver and blue matching uniforms with a sword at their belt. They were loved by all and there was never a dull day in their clan.

Libra's where by far the most beautiful of the signs. They're smiles light up even the darkest of corners, they complexion was flawless. They are kind and easy going. They provided the beauty products for the Scorpios. Because even in this world beauty means a lot to the them. Though they can be calm, if provoked they can and will show a more aggressive side. They are not to be toyed with. The leader of the Libras was Tara. A dark skinned, frizzy haired girl. Her hazel eyes where the most beautiful as was her smile. She was a kind and fearless leader who had no sad backstory, her life had been filled with happiness and still is. She wore a short flowing dress in the colour of light blue, her matching flats had white shimmer added to them, she had learnt how to fight easily in this outfit I assure you.

And finally to the East. The Soils. This is where the earth signs lived, Virgo♍️, Taurus♉️ and Capricorn♑️. There land was filled with mountains and trees, these signs are very connected to to their element, which is earth.

The Taurus's are stubborn and resourceful. They have a strong desire for extravagance. Much like their signature animal, a bull, once enraged these signs can be terrifying. However they are grounded beings who have an eye for beauty. They provided the medication for the Scorpios. They are trustworthy so have an already strong alliance with the other Earth signs, and they never plan on breaking this due to their loyal nature. They can be Selfish and Lazy but their Gentle and kind nature out ways these things. Their Hardworking leader was a the boy by the name Terran. He had longer hair he parted in loose curtains, his hair was a light brown and his eyes a deep green. His jawline was perfect and his nose a small button. His face was gently painted with light freckles. He wore brown armour that camouflaged with their surroundings, he was proud of his clan and the treaty he has formed.

The Capricorn's are ambitious and organised. They are prepared to give up all t to achieve their goal. Their goal? The fall of the Scorpios. Just like many people of this world. However they plan that once the coming war is over, they intend to rise to the ruler position. But they of course would have VERY different rules, they'd intend to treat everyone equally and distribute the resources properly. They are organised and patient, as was their leader. A gorgeous albino girl who's white hair hung delicately to her waist, her perfect pink eyes sparkled in the sunlight. Her slightly crooked smile as just a beautiful. She wore odd clothing because she loved it and always smiled, it's what made the people choose her as leader. Her name was Rhea.

Finally the Virgos, Practical beings who often wrote precise lists of every action. They are sensible and organised. Virgos have no enemies, other than themselves and the common one Scorpios. They are very much perfectionists. Most of the sensible Zodiacs believe Virgos should rule, as they would be the perfectly suited for the rule. They're leader was named Charlotte. She worked hard and shows kindness to everyone, she strives people to be the best. She had shoulder length hair that was a light brown, her light blue eyes shimmered in the sun. Freckles danced across her pale skin. She was a strong leader who knew when her people needed her and would always be there to help them.

All the leaders of each clan are from 17-19 years old so, expect some romance 😏. Enjoy the story of how they band together to fight their common enemy....

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