Chapter Three 5/5

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"GO TO your room!" A person yelled near my face.
⠀"Who are you?" I questioned.
⠀"Go to your room!" Two voices said. ⠀More voices added on. I covered my ears and screamed loudly. The creepy people came towards me as I ran out of the area, down a flight of endless stairs. I thought I had nearly lost it. I trampled down the stairs. And then, I woke up.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀- - -
⠀I was drenched with sweat and wrapped in covers in my bedroom. I pinched my other arm to make sure I was awake.
⠀"Ow," I whispered. It was real. This wasn't a dream. "Phew!" I wiped my forehead as I got out of bed. I checked my cellphone. It was ten a.m. My normal waking time on a crisp Saturday like this. I dressed myself in clothing and out of my pajamas. My brush wasn't out away last night when I recently used it so I started to comb my luscious hair with it.
⠀As I opened my door, I noticed a familiar scene. It was like the hallway that u had visioned in my dream. I checked for the multicolored doors and the turquoise door down the hall. It was there. I didn't knock this time. I reached for the handle as I saw light and darkness switch sides under the door. Somebody was on the other side of the door. We both opened the colored wood at the same time. There stood a girl much smaller than me.
⠀"Who are you?" I asked, snootily.
⠀"I'm Mackenzie," the young girl replied.
⠀"I'm Chloe," I said.

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