Chapter Three 2/5

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"PLEASE, I really need to talk to you. Just hear me out!" I pleaded.
⠀"Fine," Brooke exclaimed. "C'mon in."
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀- - -
⠀Brooke explained to me that she was lonely when she went to the forest. We shared a lot of connections, my eyes widened so much. Somebody, besides my grandmother, finally understood me. It was like we were meant to meet each other.
⠀"Each day, you get caressed more by the forest. Whatever you do, avoid it. Don't walk near. If you talk about it, you're okay as long as you talk to the right people," Brooke explained. I nodded in a listening way.
⠀"Have you met the others?" I asked.
⠀"What others? Oh you mean-no. God,"-she paused-"people probably think I'm insane. Or going. That's society, that's how it works. You're always getting silently judged."

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