your love lifts me up like helium

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Drevak, Dragonidae and Behemoth demons were roaming freely around New York, killing mundanes and destroying buildings. The mundanes couldn't see the demons of course so they thought the buildings were collapsing on their own.

That's why Alec Lightwood-Bane and Magnus Lightwood-Bane had been called to New York, to help with controlling and neutralise the threat of the demons.

Alec had showed up at the New York Institute with his bow in his hand and his arrows securely strapped on his back. Magnus was wearing his usual flamboyant clothing but he had two daggers just in case he needed them - magic can't do everything against demons after all.


The demons had been summoned to New York by a rogue Shadowhunter called Randall Welsh and this was not the first time he had done something like this - he was already on the Clave's most wanted list for his repeated malevolent actions against mundanes, Shadowhunters and Downworlders alike.

The demons were definitely not going away quietly either.

The battle was ferocious and the demons were overwhelming the four Shadowhunters. Magnus was nowhere to be found which was worrying Alec too, it was in the back of the Inquisitor's mind as he battled against the relentless demons, banishing them back to Edom one by one.

Isabelle spotted Magnus on the rooftop of an apartment building with Randall so she took her opportunity to get up to the roof with them. What she didn't know was that Randall had anticipated that move and was waiting for Isabelle so that he could make her watch whilst he killed the Warlock.

Magnus was restrained by chains on his wrists, both of his daggers laying uselessly beside him a few feet away implying that he had put up quite the fight and Randall couldn't have found it easy to get the Warlock into this position.

"You pathetic girl. Do you know what you have done? Now you're going to watch me kill this filthy Warlock." Randall spat disgustedly as he harshly grabbed Magnus by the shoulder. Isabelle was quite disgusted by the blatant racism happening right in front of her eyes but... there was nothing she could do. Magnus was inevitably going to be killed by this lunatic.

Randall took his seraph blade and pushed it remorselessly through Magnus' stomach with a maniacal and triumphant laugh. Isabelle watched in pure horror as the all-powerful High Warlock of Alicante (and her brother-in-law) was brought to his knees.

After revelling in his glory, Randall pulled the blade out of Magnus and let the Warlock fall lifelessly to the ground. Magnus' near unconscious body lay on the concrete rooftop as blood poured out of the fatal wound Randall had caused with his bloodstained, glowing seraph blade.

"ALEC!" Isabelle screamed as loud as she could, hoping desperately to attract his attention.

Sure enough, Alec came running towards her within a few minutes and he had the most confused and concerned look on his face. He initially went towards Isabelle before she pointed out Magnus' body pouring copius amounts of blood.

Alec ran at full speed and landed on his knees by Magnus' side. He took one of the Warlocks hands as he pulled out his stele - putting an iratze on a Warlock was totally uncharted territory and Alec was willing to pay any consequences of this action if it worked. He was even willing to give up his position as Inquisitor if that's what it came to - Magnus meant more to him than being employed by the Shadowhunter government.

Unfortunately, the healing rune was unsuccessful in healing Magnus' wound. No one can predict if runes on Downworlders will work all the time - this was just one of the times that it didn't.

Thinking on his feet, after the healing rune failed, Alec ripped the bottom piece of his shirt off and held it against the wound in his husband's stomach. This was an in vain effort though because Magnus was still leaking a lot of blood and getting weaker by the second. The blood soaked through the material almost instantly and Alec's hand started to become glossy with Magnus' crimson blood.

Oneshots - Magnus x Alec [Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments]Where stories live. Discover now