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Ron, Hermione and I were all gathered around the Weasly's breakfast table when it happened. It was a typical morning, Ron was stuffing his face with bacon, eggs, and sausages, while Hermione was shouting at him while whacking him with a potions book, that by even my standards looked pretty heavy. I had been working out, and I have to say i'm looking pretty good. The press have been getting to me lately, and the funny thing is that I used to hate them, but now I quite like the attention, I mean, I am the chosen one after all! I was snapped out of my thoughts by Ron who was staring at the table, and Hermione was squealing and laughing in delight. "Erm, did I miss something ?" I asked, still quite confused. hermione shoved a piece of paper in my face, but it was too close for me to actually read anything. Gently I took the paper out of her hands. As I read what it said, a small groan escaped my lips, "We have to go back for another year?" I sighed, not really enjoying the prospect of having to re-attend my 7th year at Hogwarts. Don't get me wrong, I love it there, but something in the back of my mind told me that this year would not be at all the relaxing time that everyone was expecting. Suddenly, a deep male voice filled my mind, he spoke softly yet with great purpose, "Beware Harry Potter, everything you know is about to change" My eyebrows knitted together at that, probably still just tired, My concience told me. But something else told me that I was very, very wrong.

At around 3pm Mrs Weasly bustled us all out the door, saying quickly "I have rushed to get all my children off to school every single year of their lives! I refuse for this to happen this year" We all rolled our eyes, knowing that she said the exact same thing last year and we only just made the train, just like the year before that, and the year before that, and the ... Woah, hang on, everyone else was already stepping into the fireplace and shouting "DIAGON ALLEY" A small smile crept onto my face, sure to be plenty of reporters dying to capture the everyday life of the famous Harry Potter. I quickly made my way over to the mirror, and made sure that I was looking flawless, as usual. Without a second thought, I stepped into the powder and with the familliar tugging in my gut I was whisked away from the Weasly household for, little did I know, possibly the last time.


I had spent the whole day in the lake with Annabeth after Chiron had firmly told me that i would be going, and how would work Hecate to see if he could get Annabeth a place n the quest with me, but that it would take time. She had cried and cried when I first told her, but after a while she settled down and we talked, we talked for hours on end just trying to forget the situation that we were in and after a while exhaustion settled in and she drifted into a deep sleep while I played with her long blonde curls. I had never spent time away from Annabeth these past months after the Giant war, and my hear was slowly beraking at the possibility of a whole year apart. A familliar voice crept into my mind, and as unwanted as it was, I had to listen. 'Yo Perce! I hate to do this to you bud, but Chiron says its time' I sighed loudy at Grover, shifting Annabeth in my arms so as not to wake her and I gently propelled us towards the surface.

Without making so much as a ripple, I commanded the water to carry us through the whole camp towards the mess hall, where Chiron and Thalia and Nico were waiting, along with most of the camp. The number of campers had almost doubled, as more were surviving because of better protection from other demigods, who were assigned to certain schools around to country along with a satyr as well, so that there were better chances of making it to camp. I gave Annabeth a long kiss on the lips, a lone tear escaping my eye as I lowered us to the ground and handed her to Malcom, her brother. "Take good care of her for me" I told him sternly. this would be easier for her if we didn't say goodbye while she was concious, but I made Malcom promise to get her to IM me as soon as she came to. "I swear if one hair on her head is harmed, none of you will be safe from me" My gaze washed over all of the slightly wary campers who were nodding their heads so fast I was worried that someones neck would snap. I didn't really mean what I had just said, but you can understand my anxiety, i'm sure. Our possesions had already been packed into large trunks and we were ushered onto the backs of our awaiting pegasi, I was on Blackjack of course. As long island got smaller and smaller behind us, I couldn't help but feel equal measures of sadness and excitement. What was this school going to be like?

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