Choosing Love

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Back at Hannam, once everyone had retired to bed. Hope made her way to her brothers' room to try and discover what had distressed him so much.

She found him sat gazing out of the window into darkness, deep in thought. In fact, he looked quite lost.

Hope had always trusted her brother to do the right thing. Since childhood, he had made choices and decisions that had kept them both safe and well. So, when the engagement came about, she did not council against it, even though she had her fair share of reservations about Miss Chambers. Hope, once again, trusted his judgement.

But now, she regretted that decision. Hope should have voiced her concerns. Should have stopped him for making such a hasty decision that was just a reaction to her Uncle wanting to take Hannam for his own family.

That man had no interest in the place as a family home. He only saw its financial value, and she too was loathed to let it fall to his kin. But the cost of ensuring that wouldn't happen would be her brother's happiness, and that was just too higher price to pay.

Seeing Jungkook with Mr Park that evening, had motivated her to intervene. There was so much hidden emotion overflowing between them. It was time for some candid truths before it truly was too late.

"Tell me first and honestly. Do you love Miss Chambers?" Hope came out and plainly asked.

Jungkook was quiet for a while before replying, as though trying to force a positive response, but eventually shook his head "No" he whispered, ashamed that he could not give her his heart.

"Do you think you could come to love her, in time?" Again, Jungkook shook his head guiltily.

"Then you can't marry her Jungkook!" Hope answered frustratingly. She really hated to see her brother so distressed.

"It's not that simple, Hope. I have responsibilities, and there are expectations of me..."

"We all have responsibilities, brother. I have a responsibility to marry well, yet you have denied every marriage proposal I have had this year. why is that? Hope asked.

"Because you were deprived of good childhood, the least I can do is make sure you marry someone you love, someone that will make you happy" Jungkook blurted out, recalling how they were passed around various guardians after their parents passed away. Never feeling part of anyone's family.

Hope stood up, frustrated with his words, wanting to shout some sense into him, but holding back, not wanting to wake the household.

"We shared that miserable childhood Jungkook, so why should you not equally get the chance to be happy? Hope reasoned.

"Because I have to keep this house. We have only just found it, and it is our family home, " Jungkook began to say, gesturing to the grandeur of Hannam Hill all around him.

"It was our fathers' home and his father before him. When I die, I want it to stay in our family and not to those greedy cousins of ours".

It was rare to hear brother speak so passionately and open, and in doing so, she focused on the most important part of his speech. His quest for 'home'.

"Close your eyes" she demanded of her brother, who, after looking at the determination on Hope's face, complied, albeit reluctantly.

Hannam Hill : JikookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang